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Topics: Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals

A recent Bluewater investigation discovered worryingly high levels of PFAS in tap water in London and Stockholm (Photo: Bluewater)

Bluewater Calls for Global Action on PFAS Contamination on World Water Day 2024, says manufacturers should assume full responsibility and halt production

“As we commemorate World Water Day 2024, Bluewater encourages everyone to consider tap water quality and to take action towards better health and a sustainable planet. We also urge the manufacturers of PFAS chemicals to take responsibility for the pollution they are causing and — preferably — stop their production of such chemicals entirely,” said Bengt Rittri.

PFAS chemicals, which are found in drinking water, cookware and clothing, have been linked to cancer in women by a new study

New Large-Scale U.S. National Study Reveals Clear Link Between PFAS, BPA Exposures, and A Prior Cancer Diagnosis

"With so many studies highlighting the alarming presence of potentially harmful chemicals in many drinking water sources around the world, consumers are rightly concerned about the long-term health implications of exposure to these chemicals, which can range from endocrine disruption to increased risk of chronic diseases", says Bluewater founder and CEO Bengt Rittri.

Den elektriska laddningsstationen öppnades av Dundees stadsråd Mark Flynn

Det svenska vattenreningsföretaget Bluewater installerar innovativ regnvatteninsamlings- och reningsteknik på den skotska laddningsstationen för elfordon och ge förarna tillgång till det renaste dricksvattnet.

Den nya laddningsstationen i Dundee med Bluewaters vattenlösningar är en game changer, enligt Bengt Rittri, Bluewater grundare. Den kommer att ge stadens invånare och besökare rent vatten kostnadsfritt, samtidigt som den minskar trycket på kommunens resurser och bidrar till en mer resilient vattenförsörjning

Bluewater Spirit, flujo directo de alto rendimiento.

Bluewater nombra distribuidor máster para España, Portugal y Magreb

A lo largo de los próximos tres años, tenemos previsto establecer colaboradores en todos los puntos estratégicos de España, especialmente en Cataluña, Valencia, Murcia, así como en Andalucía y Madrid, enfocados en los canales de consumo y Horeca.

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Bluewater innovates, manufactures and commercializes globally a complete range of premium reverse osmosis water purifiers for residential, business and public use

Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.


Danderydsgatan 11
114 26 Stockholm