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Aons CEO Allan Karlsen byder velkommen...
Aons CEO Allan Karlsen byder velkommen...

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We Empower Results for Our clients... Vores kundedag med vidensdeling fortsætter ufortrødent...

Dagen er fyldt med faglige key note-indlæg, workshops, demo'er og masser af networking. Super interessante indlæg fra kunder, der er villige til at dele ud af deres viden, gør dagen perfekt.

Hør blandt andet Lego, Telenor, NNIT, Novo, Pandora, Danske Bank og Beierholm dele ud af deres erfaringer inden for Risk Management, Pensions- og forsikringsaftaler og meget meget andet.

En foreløbig STOR til alle kunder, indlægsholdere og Aon-ansatte for at bidrage til en fantastisk indholdsrig dag!




Maria Engström

Maria Engström

Press contact Marketing & Communication Leader Nordic Marketing & Communication +46766981108
Linn Jeanette Johansen

Linn Jeanette Johansen

Press contact Commercial & Marketing Leader Health & Benefit +47 45004859

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A leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise.

Aon plc (NYSE: AON) exists to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. Through actionable analytic insight, globally integrated Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise, and locally relevant solutions, our colleagues provide clients in over 120 countries and sovereignties with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that help protect and grow their businesses.