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Taler #2 på Mynewsday: Succesfulde kommunikatører balancerer kunst og viden

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Taler #2 på Mynewsday: Succesfulde kommunikatører balancerer kunst og viden

Tekniske syvmileskridt har helt forandret, hvordan vi i marketing- og kommunikationsafdelinger kan og bør arbejde. Succes er datadrevet og digitaliseret, men hvad med kreativiteten? Det taler CMO hos Mynewsdesk, Jonathan Bean, om på årets Mynewsday.

Som CMO hos Mynewsdesk er Jonathan Bean ansvarlig for et internationalt team, som arbejder indenfor design, product marketing, demand generation og marketing & communications. Under hans ledelse har marketingafdelingen de seneste år bygget en effektiv måde at generere leads til salgsafdelingen samtidigt med at have vundet en række internationale PR- og kommunikationspriser. 

Jonathan Bean er en erfaren forelæser. Hans ekspertområder inkluderer digital transformation, innovation og forandring i kommunikation, medier og tech.
På årets Mynewsdays i København og Aarhus fortæller han om datadrevet kommunikation, hvordan vi kommunikatører fastholder vores kreative sider, og hvordan de mest succesfulde newsrooms performer. Jonathan Beans session på Mynewsday holdes på engelsk. Derfor er interviewet her også på engelsk. 

In what ways do Mynewsdesk work with data driven communications, and how does that contribute to the success of the company?

- Basically, what can’t be measured, can't be managed. At Mynewsdesk, we try to measure everything. We start every communication or marketing activity with a hypothesis and from there we then set the metrics for how we can measure the result. The marketing and measurement process is closely aligned with the customer journey, enabling us to illustrate the consistent improvement of our work and our contributions to the overall business objectives.

Are there any potential risks in focusing too much on data in communications?

- Yes, definitely! A successful modern marketer or communicator has to balance art and science. Creativity and the way you and your brand differentiates from the competition is still key - but with that creativity you need a way to measure and improve your activities. Combine these two skills and you have a really powerful communications department. I will talk more about this on Mynewsday.

What differences are there if you compare working B2B to B2C? How do you apply strategies accordingly?

- There has been a debate over the last couple of years about how these two disciplines come together, because it doesn't matter if you are working B2B or B2C - in the end it’s all about human-to-human communications. However, I believe there is a difference. With B2B marketing you need to work much more with logic whereas B2C marketing is more about emotions.

- In B2B marketing, the brand needs to clearly explain the pains and gains of the product for the consumer, and one important aspect not to forget is how the product or service will help the customer look good internally. For the B2C perspective it’s more important to be able to scale the communications and use shorter messaging focused on the emotional benefits of the product or service.

What do you think this year's participants can learn from you?

- This year, I will share more data than ever before on who is being successful with Mynewsdesk and what aspects of the tool are seeing the most success. I will also develop on some of the trends we have identified and are following within our own marketing department. And in addition to this, I will also quickly present the findings of our journalist survey which consists of over 3000 voices on the future of media and communications industry.

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Læs mere på: www.mynewsdesk.com/dk