Framna is recognized with nine Lovie Awards
Leading digital product agency Framna has achieved great success at the 2024 Lovie Awards after being recognized nine times across four categories, all within the Apps, Platforms & Software segment.
Leading digital product agency Framna has achieved great success at the 2024 Lovie Awards after being recognized nine times across four categories, all within the Apps, Platforms & Software segment.
Framna Danmark er begejstret for at kunne annoncere, at OK-appen er en markant vinder ved 2024 Lovie Awards, hvor den sikrede både en Sølv Lovie og Folkets Lovie i den prestigefyldte kategori Apps, Platforms & Software: Services & Utilities.
Framna Denmark is thrilled to announce the OK app as a standout winner at the 2024 Lovie Awards, securing both the Silver Lovie and the People’s Lovie in the prestigious Apps, Platforms & Software: Services & Utilities category.
Framna, the fast-growing digital product agency, is disrupting the European tech landscape with 14 recognitions at the 2024 Lovie Awards. This solidifies its position as a leader in digital product innovation, blending creativity, technical expertise, and industry insight to push the limits of user experience and functionality in sectors like retail, energy, and healthcare.
Framna, det hastigt voksende digitale produktbureau, skaber røre i den europæiske tech-verden med 14 anerkendelser ved Lovie Awards 2024. Dette cementerer deres position som leder inden for digital produktinnovation ved at kombinere kreativitet, teknisk ekspertise og brancheindsigt for at skubbe grænserne for brugeroplevelse og funktionalitet i sektorer som detailhandel, energi og sundhed.
The app agency Shape has won six prestigious Lovie Awards for the second year in a row, including two Silvers, one Bronze, and three People's Lovies, solidifying their status as one of the most winning agencies in Lovie history. Shape's award-winning apps cover various categories, showcasing their commitment to delivering excellent digital products and user experiences.
App-bureauet Shape har vundet seks prestigefyldte Lovie Awards for andet år i træk, herunder to Sølv, en Bronze og tre People's Lovies og cementerer deres status som en af de mest vindende bureauer i Lovie-historien. Shape's prisvindende apps spænder over forskellige kategorier og demonstrerer deres engagement i at levere fremragende digitale produkter og brugeroplevelser.
Shape is once again in the running for this year’s Lovie awards in three different categories. The company has secured positions for three finalists and two shortlisted apps, amplifying its prominence in the digital landscape.
Shape er endnu engang i kapløbet om dette års Lovie Award-priser i tre forskellige kategorier. Bureauet har sikret sig tre finalister og to shortlistede apps, der forstærker deres ledende position i det digitale landskab.
The Danish agency media Bureaubiz have just released their thorough 384 pages yearly Agency trend report BureauTrends 2022. The report benchmarks the Danish agencies on a range of different criteria – among these the continual financial performance of the agencies across a period of three years. Shape is once again in the Top 5 for financial performance among agencies.
The Lovie Awards honors the best digital agencies across Europe for their outstanding digital work. This years’ 12th annual Lovie Awards has presented Shape with 6 awards within the App, Mobile Sites & Voice category. These awards were attributed to two of Shapes’ mobile apps, Atos MyLife and Aller Media’s ALLY.
Det Europæiske award show, Lovie Awards, hylder hvert år Europas bedste digitale bureauer for fremragende, digitale præstationer. I dette års 12. sæson af Lovie Awards tildeles Shape intet mindre end seks priser inden for kategorien “App, Mobile Sites & Voice”. Priserne gives på baggrund af Shapes to mobile apps, Atos MyLife samt Aller Medias nye digitale medieplatform, ALLY.
To af Shapes applikationer er blevet nomineret som finalister til det 12. årlige Lovie Awards. Lovie Awards rangerer de førende digitale og kreative bureauer i Europa. Shape er på tværs af hele Europa den virksomhed der har flest finale placeringer indenfor Apps, Mobile & Voice kategorien.
Two of Shape’s mobile applications have been ranked as finalists in the 12th annual Lovie Awards ranking the top digital and creative agencies in Europe. Shape is, across the whole of Europe, the company with the most finalists within the Apps, Mobile & Voice category.