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A Microsoft lover enters the blog arena

First, it is a great honor to be part of a massive growing enterprise as Soprano and I’m proud to join the great blog community of the company! As this is my initial post I’d like to take a minute to introduce myself before we get more acquainted.

I am Tobias Strandh and my background is as a system developer with web focus and Microsoft technology as specialty. At the moment my appointed role is Microsoft Alliance Manager at Soprano Informator (Sweden), this meaning that everything concerning Microsoft is my responsibility. I’ve been with the company since 2004 in various roles, but the present is without a doubt the most challenging and exciting! I do see an interesting future ahead as Soprano grow the partnership with Microsoft and I’m passionate about sharing those ideas!

My corner of the blog will of course be directed in everything Microsoft. I’ll try to diverge into areas that are new to me as well and together we’ll explore if the solutions from Redmond is something that your company can use or maybe find out that they’re not suited for you. I’m used to going head to head with open source white knights, so I do invite you to challenge me, it will be fun to exchange ideas!

Look forward to my next blog post which will be focusing on Yammer, “the enterprise Facebook”, or is it? Stay tuned!

Tobias Strandh, 
Microsoft Alliance Manager of Soprano Informator

PS: As for me being an avid LinkedIn user, you are extremely welcome to connect if you believe that we could be of help to each other ahead!


  • Yritysvalmennus

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