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1 Million Stories

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1 Million Stories

Last week, we hit a significant company milestone: 1 million stories published on the Mynewsdesk platform!

To celebrate, we share the 1 millionth story and look back at some '1 million' milestones shared with the world on

And the 1 millionth story is...

Fender appoints rock legends The Edge and Bono to help develop their fan engagement growth strategy. If a rock legend were to go corporate, this would surely be their dream job!

Bono The Edge Fender

A look back at customers' 1 million milestones:

1. Nov 2001: Hutchison Three prepares to launch 3G by ordering 1 million 3G videophones

It’s almost hard to believe that mobile phone contracts used to cost between 73€ - 122€ a month (£59.99 - £99.99)! That's when Three did the original and largest 3G handset deal outside of Japan, ordering 1m 3G phones. The launch was a success, but they soon struggled as a result of its poor device portfolio. Once the ‘ugly duckling’ of mobile, Three is now one of the fastest growing mobile networks.

Hutchison 3

2. June 2009: Apple sells 1 million iPhones in 3 days 

Beyond setting a formidable benchmark for future launches, this milestone also set the iPhone as an icon of the mobile communications revolution - the mobile was no longer just a tool, but a way of life.
1m iPhones

3. Oct 2010: Mynewsdesk reaches 1m monthly visitors

Mynewsdesk's expansion into markets beyond Sweden, combined with the platform's ability to search-optimize content, led to a rapidly growing international audience. A great result for customers whose content was gaining greater visibility, also a proud moment for the Mynewsdesk team.

Mynewsdesk 1m monthly visits

4. Oct 2011: Designer of the world's most expensive little black (diamond) dress holds a charity fashion show

Not strictly in keeping with the 1 million theme, but this £3.5m dress - adorned with 55 two-carat black diamonds - is so frivolous that it's totally worth a mention. 

5. Feb 2012: 1 million freebies for fans - Shazam bats the Super Bowl ahead in 2nd Screen revolution

Shazam partnered with brands to power the first Shazam-enabled Super Bowl. The result? Record breaking engagement levels.

Shazam continues to respond to, and shift patterns in, content consumption, leaning more to the ubiquitous and instantaneous. A couple of French academics even coined the term “shazamization” (word of the day, anyone?) - the ability to identify objects, places and people with a portable device, leading to a purchase or related search.


6. Jan 2013: Virtuous Vodka - first customer on Sweden's largest crowdfunding platform - raises 1m SEK

Not only did Virtuous Vodka hit their target, they also became the first ever company in the Nordics to close a full equity crowdfunding round.


7. Mar 2013: Social movement to crowdsource happiness kicks off in Singapore

A quirky campaign seeking to ripple happiness around the world. It fell short of its target, but still inspired 0.5m people to take an action a day, for 100 days, to make someone happy. These acts of happiness were shared through videos, photos, tweets, and stories. A shame it fell short of its ambition, despite being a positive campaign to improve wellbeing.

Happiness effect

8. Sep 2013: Stockholm guests 1m visitor guest night stays in a month

Stockholm becomes the engine of Swedish tourism with a month-on-month increase of 3.4%, showing the growing popularity of the 'capital of Scandinavia'.

Stockholm visitors up

9. Mar 2014: Betty Boop, film’s first sex symbol, hits 1m Facebook likes

The fun and flirty eternal diva proves she's as inspiring and relevant as ever (at the spritely age of 84) by racking up 1m likes on Facebook.

Betty Boop 1m likes

10. Apr 2014: Top-up app, Sendly, facilitates 1m transfers in 90 days

3 months after going live, Rebtel’s pre-pay phone credit app surpassed Linkedin and Twitter in top free app downloads. In India, the app saw more than 55,000 transactions in three days, indicating high demand in emerging markets for alternatives to expensive monthly data plans.

Rebtel’s Sendly app




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