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Mynewsday – a day dedicated to engagement in digital and social channels

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Mynewsday – a day dedicated to engagement in digital and social channels

When the Spring sun was at its brightest, we decided on a day to lighten up the inevitable Autumn. A whole day dedicated to engagement in digital and social channels. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Factor in some time for just plain old socialising, the chance to mingle and exchange ideas and best practice. That was what Mynewsdesk Sweden set out to create, and the result is Mynewsday.

We enlisted some great people: Joanne Jacobs will be talking about influencers in a talk with the title ”Interest is a Skill: Solving Problems with Influencers”. PR pro Adam Vincenzini tackles YouTube under the heading ”Brand activity on YouTube: Learning from the Best and Worst”. Add to that a presentation on PR, marketing and communication trends for 2012 and one on the new and coming features of the Mynewsdesk publishing platform. We’ve also added a special guest in the form of Anna Ålenius Mathson, International PR Manager at Projectplace. Projectplace won the Mynewsdesk award for Best International News Room in 2010, and she’s appearing at Mynewsday to talk about international PR

Mynewsday will take place over three days, in three different cities: Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg, from October 12-14th. The event is fully booked. However, if you do understand Swedish (and if you don’t – remember there’s always Google Translate!), there’s lots more information in the Mynewsday newsroom. Do check it out! And we promise, we’ll be back with some more information soon.




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Adam Karseland

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Mynewsdesk - The smart way to improve awareness and relations

Mynewsdesk helps companies create awareness, find the right audience and build strong relationships.

By providing a user-friendly online solution, Mynewsdesk simplifies and streamlines the publishing, distribution and measuring of your PR and communication efforts. All in one digital place. By consolidating all aspects of PR in one platform, brand and media monitoring is also made easy, helping companies track their engagement over time .

Mynewsdesk has 1.6 million unique visitors monthly and publishes 80,000 news stories per year. Over 4,000 companies across the globe trust Mynewsdesk’s platform to improve their PR efforts and 70% gain media uptake on their news.

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