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Nissan's integrated social media campaign during #SMWLDN

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Nissan's integrated social media campaign during #SMWLDN

On the third day of Social Media Week, we hosted an event entitled 'Integrated Social Media', featuring some best-in-class campaign examples from BMIbaby, Skype and Nissan.

Presenting them were agencies shortlisted from this year’s Digital Impact Awards.

The event featured some fantastic case studies. One of the most engaging of the night explored Nissan's Facebook campaign and mini-Bollywood movie production.

Nissan brand representatives Sunil Mohan and Christian Lindman from AKQA showcased their use of social media in promoting and creating brand awareness for Nissan in India.

"In order to reach our objective, we had to take an unconventional approach to engage our audience,

“The campaign received 32 million social impressions” says Lindman.

Watch Nissan's Integrated Social Media Campaign:

(If you can't see the above video in your email, please watch on YouTube here).

Please comment, share and most importantly ENJOY! #SMWintegrated @Mynewsdesk_UK

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