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Photo: iStock / Natali_Mis

West Sweden life science community takes leading role in prestigious European initiative to accelerate implementation of precision medicine

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Sahlgrenska Science Park and Business Region Göteborg (BRG), in collaboration with Region Västra Götaland and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, have taken leading roles in the prestigious PRECISEU project. This European initiative aims to connect innovation ecosystems across Europe to efficiently advance towards truly personalized healthcare.
The PRECISEU project is

Sahlgrenska Science Park and partners secure funding for competence development project related to future medicines

Sahlgrenska Science Park - in collaboration with Region Västra Götaland, the ATMP Center and Gothia Forum at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and CCRM Nordic - proudly announces a European Social Fund grant for the “Competence development for ATMP” project. The project, with a total budget of SEK 10.4 million, includes co-financing from the Environmental and Regional Development Committee at Regio

Sahlgrenska Science Park launches new CO-AX Accelerator Growth initiative at GoCo Health Innovation City

Sahlgrenska Science Park launches new CO-AX Accelerator Growth initiative at GoCo Health Innovation City

Sahlgrenska Science Park is excited to announce the launch of its latest growth initiative through its CO-AX Accelerator program. CO-AX Accelerator Growth by Sahlgrenska Science Park is designed to accelerate the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with tech solutions addressing global health challenges.

CO-AX Accelerator Growth will provide SMEs with support and a global ne

Sahlgrenska Science Park

Medicinaregatan 8A
413 46 Göteborg