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Advanced Biofuels Conference 2021

Advanced Biofuels Conference 2021

Tid 21 September 2021 – 23 September 2021

Plats Stockholm / online

Welcome to the Advanced Biofuels Conference 2021
– back to biofuels for a better climate!

The Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO) welcomes participants, online and on-site, to the 7th Advanced Biofuels Conference on 21-23 September, 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Biofuels – bioliquids, and green gases – are essential in the global effort to replace fossil fuels and reach the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to well below 2 oC compared to pre-industrial levels. As businesses, industries, and societies begin a green recovery in a post-pandemic world, the demand for transportation fuels is expected to rise. Biofuels are an important and reliable climate-neutral part of the solution available today – and viable for tomorrow!

In the European Union (EU), the goals are clear for 2030 with the implementation of the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED) in effect as of 2021. The EU Green Deal could provide a leap-frog opportunity in getting Europe Fit for 55 in terms of capacity buildout of renewable and sustainable transportation fuels. Fuels that, by displacing their fossil counterparts, improve local air quality and provide genuine greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions in the existing vehicle, vessel and aircraft fleets. However, this requires long-term and coherent policies, technology agnostic and market neutral legislation, and a holistic life cycle approach to steering instruments.

Advanced biofuels go hand-in-hand with conventional biofuels, including biomethane, towards reducing emissions in national transport sectors, not least in the hard to electrify aviation, marine, and heavy-duty transport sectors. Green hydrogen, biobased – and recycled carbon electro-fuels (e-fuels), and electrification of the transport sector complement transportation’s fossil fuel exit.

To be held as a hybrid event – with both online and on-site participation options – the 2021 conference will highlight the latest developments in European and international policy, the energy system transition to renewable fuels, new technologies and partnerships – with the leading players presented. There is rapid progress in capacity build out for renewable diesel (HVO) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) not least by retrofitting existing refinery and infrastructure assets. Much hope is being pinned on green hydrogen and e-fuels such as methanol and ammonia – what findings can be shown?

The Advanced Biofuels Conference is geared towards people that are involved in creating a sustainable transport sector. Speakers and delegates consist of a high blend of policymakers and politicians, leading academics, researchers, engineers, as well as executives and representatives from companies and organizations.

In a nutshell the hybrid event consists of

  • Two conference days, 21-22 September, six sessions and some 30 high-level speakers covering land, aviation and maritime transport sectors for blended and high-concentrated biofuels.
  • Study visit, 23 September, to the novel and innovative E.ON Högbytorp circular waste treatment facility in which combined heat and power (CHP), and biomethane for transportation.
  • Mini-expo with stands for networking and making business contacts, and an exclusive conference evening dinner, adjacent to the waterways of Stockholm.




Tomas Ekbom

Tomas Ekbom

Presskontakt Programdirektör BioDriv, biodrivmedel, biooljor, bioraffinaderier 070 276 15 78

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Vi vill öka användningen av bioenergi

Svebio arbetar för att öka användningen av bioenergi på ett hållbart och ekonomiskt klokt sätt. Vi är en samlad kraft för företag och privatpersoner som tror på förnybar energi, företag och fri marknadsekonomi. Som medlem i Svebio blir du en del av ett nationellt och internationellt nätverk av människor som arbetar för att utveckla bioenergin.

Svebio, Svenska Bioenergiföreningen

Kammargatan 22
111 40 Stockholm