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Skin Ageing – A Look at Managing Anti-Ageing and Skin Health

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Skin Ageing – A Look at Managing Anti-Ageing and Skin Health

When I read in my early 20s that neurotoxin injectables could help reduce migraine pain, wild horses couldn’t have stopped me. Misguided or not, the migraine attacks stopped completely, and I had a smooth and bright forehead to boot. When the effect wore off, the migraine returned, along with the wrinkles, now twice the depth and double the length across my forehead.

It’s a double-edged sword. Treatments like wrinkle smoothing injections don’t hold back the years but rather draw a curtain over them. Under the temporary ironed appearance, your skin continues to age, unnoticed and uncared for. When we don’t take steps to treat our skin in our early years while it’s still plump and smooth, ageing accelerates.


“There are two types of skin ageing: surface skin ageing and deep-skin ageing,” says Dr Ivan Puah, an experienced aesthetic doctor who holds a Graduate Diploma in Family Dermatology. Dr Puah is also the Medical Director of Amaris B. Clinic and doctors-trainer in cosmetics injectables appointed by Merz Singapore and Allergan.

“Surface-skin ageing shows up as pigmentation, discolouration or rough patches in the early 20s, usually from sun exposure and environmental factors,” he explains. “Deep-skin ageing happens as the body produces less and less collagen in later years.

The skin becomes thinner as oil and hyaluronic acid in the body decreases. This results in wrinkles and sagging skin. The skin loses its ability to ‘hold the fort’, and it happens to both men and women.”



For one thing, aim to maintain a healthy wash-tone-moisturise routine, no matter your age or how ‘good’ your skin looks. Also, never go to sleep with makeup on, as the chemicals can damage the skin’s delicate first layer. Use a good, non-comedogenic sunscreen, too, even if you’re indoors.

“Diet and hydration play a big role in skin health,” advises Dr Puah. “Think about what you’re feeding your cells. Drink water even when you’re not thirsty; the body needs constant hydration for the organs to function efficiently. And remember, the skin is your largest organ. Stop smoking, of course, and limit sun exposure to the early morning or late afternoon. Needless to say, sunscreen is a must.”

As you get older and notice lines or signs of photoageing from your mid-20s, it may be time to graduate to anti-ageing products. A good skin doctor can assess your skin condition and advise on the correct type of treatment depending on your age, health and lifestyle.

There’s a wide range of serums available, containing retinol, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. “On many levels, genes, lifestyle and hormonal changes during menopause affect how the body ages,” observes Dr Puah. “Ethnicity and melanin also dictate how your skin reacts. Many of these factors cannot be mitigated without professional help.”

You can trick the eyes by applying makeup to cover surface skin ageing, but what about deep-skin ageing?

Address anti-ageing with Ultherapy and BioRemodelling HA+ Injection


This is a non-invasive skin lifting treatment that uses ultrasound to generate thermal effects beneath targeted areas of the skin. This triggers the body to make collagen by stimulating fibroblast activity. The procedure can help to lift skin on areas such as the cheeks, neck and even eyebrows. It’s also used to smooth lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. Results continue to improve over two to three months and can last up to a year or more. Remember to look for authentic ulthera medical providers as this procedure can only be performed by doctors.

BioRemodelling HA+ Injection

BioRemodelling HA+ Injection administered to five points on the face addresses skin laxity (sagging skin), skin dehyration, and thinning of skin layers. It can be paired with other aesthetic treatments such as Ultherapy, HIFU, anti-wrinkle injection (BoNTA) or lasers. It rejuvenates and hydrates skin while helping the body to produce collagen and elastin and is recommended for the mid and lower face, as well as other delicate areas of skin such as the neck and décolletage.

To find out if the treatments are suitable for you, it is advisable to schedule an appointment and speak with the doctor.


No two bodies and skin are the same. Each patient is unique, and so are individual preferences, needs and wants. Dr Ivan Puah treats patients from all walks of life and has years of experience in key areas of aesthetic medicine ,dermatology, liposuction, fat grafting and gynecomastia surgery.


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An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

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