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Bingo Wings, Armpit Fat & Accessory Breasts: Why they won’t respond to non-invasive treatments

Bingo Wings, Armpit Fat & Accessory Breasts: Why they won’t respond to non-invasive treatments

Bingo wings, armpit fat, and accessory breasts are as common as rain. Many of us deal with them and are bothered by them when looking to wear strapless and sleeveless tops, and dresses. Having bingo wings, armpit fat, or accessory breasts does not mean you are unhealthy. Many athletes and celebrities have them too! Chrissy Teigen admitted to getting liposuction on her armpits so that she feels bet

Excess fat in your thighs causing skin issues and affecting your sartorial choices? This could be the most effective way to tone up your lower body

Excess fat in your thighs causing skin issues and affecting your sartorial choices? This could be the most effective way to tone up your lower body

MPicking out clothes to wear can be a Herculean task, especially for those with a thicker lower body. Choosing the right pants feels like a treasure hunt, and you’d probably shy away from skirts and body-hugging dresses too.
Another problem with thick thighs that you may deal with is thigh chafing.
Why does this happen, and what triggers this issue? Keep reading as we lay out the facts about

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Aesthetics • Sculpting • Fitness

An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

Amaris B. Clinic
140 Arab Street
199827 Singapore