Press release -

Award winning filmmaker champions launch of West Sussex Dignity Network

The launch of a new Network to support Dignity Champions working in residential care homes within the private and voluntary sectors in West Sussex took place on Monday 16th April at Billingshurst Community & Conference Centre. 

Representatives from Care and Nursing Homes, Domiciliary Care Agencies, West Sussex County Council, The Quality Care Commission, The Alzheimer's Society, The West Sussex Forum and Action against Elder Abuse, were amongst those who attended.

The Network will be known as the 'West Sussex Dignity Wave' and will help raise awareness of dignity in care, share good practice and give impetus to positive innovation, recognising those staff and teams that go the extra mile and help to transform services by supporting people and organisations in providing dignified services.

Kick-starting the day's proceedings, Amanda Waring, special guest and key speaker for the morning, began with thanking the delegates in the room, most of whom represented care homes, caring institutes and agencies from the local region.  Amanda said "The work as caring staff can be very demanding but we must also not forget that caring for another is also sacred work too.  I therefore always feel it important that I take time to thank and honour those for all the good work that they do."

Her session continued with the showing of her powerful, thought provoking and evidently tear-jerking award winning training film, 'What Do You See', starring Virginia McKenna.  Emotions stirred amongst the 100 strong room of delegates, who all felt their compassion and desire to help stir in equal measure.

Guided by constructive and helpful practices to implement, Amanda closed her morning session with motivational words and encouragement, paving the way for a continuation of positive determination and outcomes for the rest of the launch day's proactive sessions.  

Claire Butler, Dignity in Care Development Officer for the West Sussex Local Involvement Network (LINk) said "I feel very privileged to be able to lead the development of the West Sussex Dignity Wave and have the chance to recognise and celebrate all the great work being done in West Sussex around dignity & respect."

Amanda Waring said "The launch has been a huge success.  It has been wonderful to see so many people from different organisations coming together to really support this project. I know that with the level of enthusiasm shown, the network can only grow from strength to strength."

For advice and support with becoming a Dignity Champion with LINk, please visit the website:

To find out more about the products, talks and sessions run by Amanda Waring, please visit her website and YouTube channel

N.b Accompanying photograph is that of Amanda Waring and Claire Butler, Dignity in Care Development Officer for West Sussex Local Involvement network (LINk)


  • Health Organisations


  • west sussex
  • billingshurst
  • #eldercare
  • #westsussexlink
  • dignity in care network
  • mind's eye management
  • hospitals and health systems
  • elderly care
  • dignity care
  • dignity
  • compassion
  • care homes
  • campaign
  • amanda waring

Amanda Waring is an actress, writer and director and has been a passionate campaigner for older people's rights for the past five years.


Kylee Charles

Press contact PR Contact Managing relations with press and media on behalf of Amanda Waring 07816 946633

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