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Emora Reveal What They are Looking for Over the Christmas Period

As a company with big ambitions for 2018, Emora will be on the lookout for new contractors throughout the Christmas period to help expose their client's campaigns to the broadest demographic possible.

As such, the firm has revealed in a statement what talents they believe make someone perfect for the sales and marketing industry.

About the firm -

Emora are direct marketing specialists who offer personalised marketing campaigns on behalf of their clients’ brands. Based in Nottingham, the firm have access to market reach across the UK which is converted into loyal customers through their unique marketing methods.

With the Christmas period in full swing, this is an incredibly busy time, which poses many opportunities for exposure for their client's face-to-face campaigns. The festive period is notorious for being the time of the year where customer acquisitions are more likely.

There are many benefits and opportunities available in the industry for those that are looking for a new professional challenge.

The ability to take full control of earnings is a significant benefit the potential for earnings is unlimited compared to that of a standard pay package.

There is then the ability to progress, and at one's own pace, the chance for professional growth is fantastic, in addition to that, promotions are based on when the individual is ready not the company.

Mentoring is a fantastic way in which young and budding entrepreneurs can gain first-hand knowledge, tips and skills from industry leaders bursting with experience. The ability to rub shoulders with these mentors is an invaluable learning opportunity that is not as common in many other industries.

Emora recently outlined three core pieces of advice that will help professionals who are looking to get into the sales and marketing industry.

1.) Listen sincerely without an agenda - The buying process is solely about the customer. A salesperson with an agenda tends to push too hard and often doesn’t listen well.

2.) Don’t talk someone into something, allow them to make their own buying decision - Doing what is right for everyone involved is the ethical thing to do. The role of a salesperson in the sales process is to present a product or service in a clear, concise and truthful manner—with integrity.

The best customer is the customer who can make an educated decision based on what is best for them. A loyal customer is an educated customer.

3.) You can serve your client/customer best by finding out what they want, need and expect from what you are offering. Sometimes, professionals in the sales and marketing industry can be so excited to share everything they know about what they are providing that they can sometimes forget that it is about their potential customer’s expectations. What is important to you may not be important to them, explains Emora's Managing Director Lauren Harrison. 


  • PR, Communication


  • England

Lauren Harrison – Managing Director



Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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