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Simplx support Sam Wood’s concerns regarding appeal of radio advertising

Dave Locke, Managing Director at Simplx, has voiced his support for former social media personality and health guru Sam Wood, who claims that radio advertising proved a fruitless advertising avenue for his fitness business.

Simplx: About the Company

Simplx - an outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Sydney - are hired by companies looking to restore a ‘human element’ to their marketing endeavours. Many of these companies are looking for assistance with customer acquisition, and Simplx support Sam Wood’s claim that radio ads are largely ineffective in this arena.

Speaking at Mumbrella’s Health Marketing Summit, Wood outlined how his business - 28 By Sam Wood - were pressured by agencies to spend millions of dollars on national radio campaigns, yet couldn’t receive any ROI analytics in terms of customer acquisition in return.

“We believe the key to acquiring customers is forging lasting relationships with them - and it’s our opinion that this is best done in person. We pride ourselves on giving a voice to our high-profile clients that resonate with consumers. Our team are eager to have a chat with the public and relay brands for what they are - focused on people,” commented Dave Locke, speaking from his firm’s headquarters in Sydney.

Locke was also keen to reinforce Wood’s assertion regarding social media marketing. The 28 By Sam Wood owner suggested that while many people claim to be an expert in the field of digital marketing, a lot of people and businesses fail to back this up with results.

While Simplx are quick to acknowledge the benefits of social media marketing, they claim any digital avenues must be complimented in unison with offline, in-person interactions.

“It is no wonder that many people have problems with radio or digital advertising if they are not supplementing these endeavours with meaningful and personalised interactions offline,” added Locke.

His firm’s philosophy is that people buy into the experience of a brand as well as the product, looking for the human connection when making their purchasing decision. For more information about how Simplx are able to acquire customers offline, visit their website at



  • Business enterprise, General


  • simplx


Dave Locke

Managing Director


In today’s technology-based world, we are taking a stand to simplify things back to human connections and replaceable systems. Essentially, we provide direct sales and marketing solutions for many high-profile clients that are keen to explore simple, effective and fun-based human interactions with their consumers in the public domain.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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