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Mastering the art of leadership will make you a better entrepreneur claims Simplx

Sydney-based intelligent customer acquisition specialists Simplx outline why it’s important to be a good leader, and suggest entrepreneurs attempt to become someone people can buy into, and subsequently want to follow.


Simplx review and employ face to face marketing approaches to bridge the gap between companies and consumers, and have observed how effective leadership is the element in business that makes everything else tick over flawlessly. Some the World’s most successful entrepreneurs, like Richard Branson, have previously talked up the power of great leadership, and the effect it can have on small-medium sized enterprises.

Every leader’s ability is going to be called into question at some point – mastering the art of leadership can often dictate whether a business merely survives, or thrives. Positive leadership can maximise results, and forge a strong company culture that creates a cohesive brand image,” stated a company spokesperson for Simplx.

The outsourced sales and marketing firm believe that for a company to manage teams effectively, and to stimulate resourcefulness and efficiency, they should take note of the following three points in order to master the art of leadership:

Firstly, Simplx believes knowing the team and understanding each person as an individual will clue firms into the unique motivators behind people. Simplx argues that this is especially the case with millennials, as when a business identifies what exactly motivates and drives them, they will not only shock them with howadaptable and tech-savvy they are, but they can also augment business growth through their loyalty and hard work.

Leading by example is essential, as Simplx believes that experienced entrepreneurs understand how demonstrating great communication sets an example to staff, and strongly maintains that employing ‘open door’ policies are best to ensure all lines of communication remain wide open.

Lastly, encouraging creativity is paramount, and firm’s should repeatedlyencourage their teams to think more outside the box. It is important for leaders tolet their team know that they are open to their ideas, and successful leadership should empower them to take their ideas to the next level through positive feedback and constructive advice as warranted.

Simplx’s philosophy is that people buy into the experience of a brand as well as the product, looking for the human connection to make their purchasing decision. Engaging in face to face interactions, Simplx acquire new customers through in-store promotions and business to business sales across Australia.

For more information about how Simplx are able to acquire customers offline, visit their website at


  • Business enterprise, General


  • simplx


Dave Locke: Managing Director

In today’s technology-based world, we are taking a stand to simplify things back to human connections and replaceable systems. Essentially, we provide direct sales and marketing solutions for many high-profile clients that are keen to explore simple, effective and fun-based human interactions with their consumers in the public domain.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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