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Simplx believe optimisation the greatest threat to creativity in sales and marketing

Sydney-based outsourced sales and marketing firm Simplx believe that marketing successfully in the digital age of today relies on data and technology more than ever before, and the firm state that this is being carried out at the expense of marketing ingenuity.

Simplx: About the firm

Marketing optimisation - or simply optimisation - is the seemingly continuous process of improving marketing efforts to maximise desired outcomes. It’s concerned with collecting data, analysing it with a fine toothcomb, and pigeonholing success with a ‘rinse and repeat’ approach.

“In many cases optimisation works just fine and gets the results required, but to some extent isn’t it also the antithesis of originality? It’s box-ticking rather than being creative,” states Simplx’s Managing Director, Dave Locke.

To minimise risk and maximise the potential return on investment, Simplx believe many companies in Australia are doing whatever seems to have worked in the past - playing safe. A prime example of this is the state of modern music. The majority of songs in the charts are built using the exact same combination of keyboard, drum machine, sampler, and computer software - instead of experimenting with new instruments, or innovative techniques.

Optimisation in marketing became a buzzword after businesses realised how much traffic websites could attract from search engines. SEO (search engine optimisation) was born, and now this tactic has also crept into the arena of social media.

“Many marketing firms are so concerned with optimising the form of the creative that no one is thinking about the creativity aspect of the creative,” adds Locke.

While Simplx acknowledge optimisation is a useful strategy for many businesses, they draw the line at tactics that involve ‘keyword stuffing’, and forms of creativity that have been ‘dampened’ at the expense of box ticking. The firm declare that the strongest peril of optimisation is when tactics are used to game digital algorithms.

While the firm acknowledges that search engines are doing their best to provide updates to their ranking algorithms, these are just some of the latest examples of how optimisation in marketing can hinder ingenuity and originality.

“Today’s consumers are more savvy, and intelligent than any previous generation - people notice when brands do something that’s different from their competitors. So start taking creative risks, as this is how your business becomes memorable,”concludes Locke.

Simplx review and employ face-to-face marketing approaches to bridge the gap between companies and consumers. Visit their website at to find out more.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • simplx


Dave Locke: Managing Director

In today’s technology-based world, we are taking a stand to simplify things back to human connections and replaceable systems. Essentially, we provide direct sales and marketing solutions for many high-profile clients that are keen to explore simple, effective and fun-based human interactions with their consumers in the public domain.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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