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Hövding’s head protection outstanding according to extensive survey of bike helmets

Hövding’s airbag for cyclists comes out on top according to a new bike helmet test conducted by the Swedish insurance company Folksam. 27 helmets were tested, and Hövding’s results were outstanding, concerning both shock absorption and protection on oblique impact. Compared to the worst performing helmet in the test, the Hövding airbag provided a seven times lower risk of concussion according to the tests.

– This is an incredibly strong endorsement of Hövding’s protection ability. Folksam’s tests are thorough and exceed the law requirements. Hövding’s superior results make us more determined than ever to carry on with our mission to protect even more cyclists, says Fredrik Carling, Hövding’s CEO.

The current legal requirements for permission to sell bike helmets on the Swedish market only demands the helmets be tested on perpendicular impact, which reflects the helmets’ energy absorption capacity but not how the brain is affected in a bicycle accident. Folksam’s tests are considerably tougher as they include the risk of concussion. This year’s tests include a so called oblique impact, which is the most likely bike accident scenario. The test method used for oblique impact is eventually expected to be applied on a European level. During oblique impact, the head is subjected to rotational forces which the brain is extremely sensitive to and can lead to concussion and serious brain injuries with long term consequences.

According to Folksam, too many traditional helmets are still approved despite the inferior protection provided during a bike accident. This has been proven in computer simulated tests which also reveal Hövding’s superior capacity to protect the brain during oblique impact. (View attached image from the Folksam test.) Hövding’s airbag is thicker and absorbs the energy much more efficiently than a traditional helmet.

Folksam’s tests conclude: “Hövding 3 provided the best protection and scored the best test results by far concerning shock absorption as well as oblique impact mitigation. Compared to the worst performing helmet in our test, Hövding offers a seven times lower risk of brain injury.”

During an appearance on Swedish TV4 Nyhetsmorgon (Morning News), Folksam’s Traffic Safety Researcher Helena Stigsson stated that ”Hövding’s shock absorption is outstanding”.

This year’s Folksam tests were conducted with the support from the not for profit British Road Safety Trust with the hope of being able to put international pressure on bike helmet producers and to increase consumer awareness.

The third generation of Hövding’s unique airbag for city cyclists was released last September, representing the largest investment in the history of the innovation company. The new Hövding 3 is the result of many years of research and development. Among other things, the company has undertaken the most extensive collection ever of data pertaining to bicycling movements and accidents for the Hövding algorithm. More than 3,000 accidents are enacted using stuntmen and women, and over 2,000 hours of regular cycling has been gathered. When the Hövding airbag is activated, it registers the cyclist’s movements 200 times per second, and during an accident it inflates in 0.1 seconds, enveloping the cyclist’s head and fixing his or her neck.

Read more about Folksam’s bike helmet tests 2020 in attached link.

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