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Helge Branscheidt and Vicki Bååth selected for Liseberg’s ‘Peak Fear Experiment’.

Vicki from Gamleby and Helge from Hamburg have been selected for Liseberg’s ‘Peak Fear Experiment’

After an extensive selection process, two people have been chosen to take part in Liseberg’s ‘Peak Fear Experiment’. More than 1,640 applications were received from 22 countries, and the jury finally chose two participants for ‘The Peak Fear Experiment’ – Vicki Bååth, a teacher from Gamleby, Sweden and Helge Branscheidt, a hair- & makeup artist from Hamburg, Germany. The experiment will take place

En nat, helt alene, sted ukendt.

The Peak Fear Experiment – forlystelsesparken Liseberg gennemfører gysereksperimenter sammen med verdens førende forskere fra Aarhus Universitet

Forlystelsesparken Liseberg i Gøteborg søger nu frivillige til "The Peak Fear Experiment", der bliver gennemført et hemmeligt sted i Sverige. Deltagerne skal være parate til at udfordre deres frygt og udforske grænserne for underholdningsgys. Eksperimentet udføres i samarbejde med forskere ved Recreational Fear Lab på Aarhus Universitet.

One night, all alone, location unknown.

The Peak Fear Experiment – Swedish amusement park Liseberg conducts fear experiment with world-leading scientists

Swedish amusement park Liseberg is looking for volunteers for “The Peak Fear Experiment” at a secret location in Sweden. The participants can expect to face their worst fears and explore their own limits of scary entertainment. The experiment is conducted in collaboration with world-leading scientists from Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark.

Isabelle Fjellsson, 10 years old, and Amira Vikentorp, 10 years old, represented Thailand on Liseberg's moon journey. Photo: Josefin Hardinger

100 persons from 100 countries participated on world's first international lunar journey

Over 2,600 applied, and out of these, 100 lunar travelers were chosen to represent their countries in the world's first international lunar trip - at Swedish amusement park, Liseberg. Last Saturday, the journey to the moon took place on the roller coaster Luna.
- This was a lot of fun and cool with so many countries; we want to go back to the moon NOW! says Isabelle Fjellsson, 10 years old, and

Sveriges største forlystelsespark Liseberg søger deltagere til en international månerejse

Sveriges største forlystelsespark Liseberg søger deltagere til en international månerejse

Forlystelsesparken Liseberg i Gøteborg vil tage hele verden med til månen! Nu søger forlystelsesparken borgere fra alle verdens lande til verdens første helt internationale tur til månen – med den nye rutsjebane Luna.
- Vi ser det som en unik chance for alle lande i verden, der endnu ikke har haft mulighed for at rejse til månen, siger Mårten Westlund, PR- og kommunikationschef hos Liseberg.

Illustration: Liseberg, AI created in Midjourney.

Swedish amusement park Liseberg is looking for participants for first international moon trip

Liseberg wants to take the entire world to the moon! Now, the amusement park is seeking citizens from all countries around the world for the world's first international moon trip – aboard the new roller coaster, Luna.
– We see this as a unique opportunity for all countries in the world that have not yet had the chance to travel to the moon, says Mårten Westlund, communications director at Liseb

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Liseberg - the most beloved destination

Liseberg is one of the leading amusement parks in Europe, offering top-notch entertainment, attractions, restaurants, and accommodation. Every year, the park welcomes approximately 3 million visitors, making Liseberg Sweden's most visited destination.


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