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The digital award ceremony for the winner of the Children’s Climate Prize 2021 will take place on November 19th – everyone is invited!

The digital award ceremony for the winner of the Children’s Climate Prize 2021 will take place on November 19th – everyone is invited!

Celebrate this year's winner with us on November 19th at 10-10:30 am CET; 15-year-old Reshma Kosaraju from USA, along with the other finalists. Due to the (global) uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, this year’s Children’s Climate Prize is a digital event, which also allows for anyone and everyone to be a part of it, no matter where you are located!

Specialavsnitt av podcasten Young Minds

Specialavsnitt av podcasten Young Minds - unga innovatörer diskuterar teknologi och hållbarhet med Sarah Maston från Project 15, Microsoft

Hur hänger teknologi och hållbarhet ihop? Sarah Maston från Microsoft samtalar med Children’s Climate Prize vinnaren Reshma Kosaraju och Kate Gilman från Club 15 - Kids Can Save Animals, om hållbarhetslösningar utifrån ett tech perspektiv. Programmet leds av Luca Berardi från WWF Youth och samtliga avsnitt av podcasten Young Minds finns tillgängliga på bland annat Spotify och Itunes.

Special episode of the ‘Young Minds’ podcast

Special episode of the ‘Young Minds’ podcast — young innovators discussing technology and sustainability with Sarah Maston, founder of Project 15 from Microsoft

How are technology and sustainability connected? Sarah Maston, from Microsoft, talks to Children’s Climate Prize winner, Reshma Kosaraju, and Kate Gilman, founder of Club 15 from Kids Can Save Animals about sustainability solutions from a tech perspective.The episode is hosted by Luca Berardi from WWF Youth, and all episodes of the ‘Young Minds’ podcast are available on Spotify, Itunes, etc.

The winner of 2021's Children’s Climate Prize is Reshma Kosaraju

The winner of 2021's Children’s Climate Prize is Reshma Kosaraju, a fifteen-year-old from the US, who impressed with her project using AI technology: AI against forest fires

The winner of 2021's Children’s Climate Prize is Reshma Kosaraju, a fifteen-year-old from Saratoga, USA. Reshma's project, AI against forest fires, uses AI technology to predict forest fires. Her courageous, innovative and solution-oriented approach to forest fires, a highly topical and growing global issue, made Reshma's project stand out.

Children’s Climate Prize launches the podcast 'Young Minds' – hear the global youth discuss climate, the environment and the future

Children’s Climate Prize launches the podcast 'Young Minds' – hear the global youth discuss climate, the environment and the future

Young people dare to think differently and visualize opportunities where others see difficulties. In the podcast, 'Young Minds', they discuss personal motivating factors, lessons learned and future prospects. The program is led by Luca Berardi from WWF Youth, an all-around climate fighter. All episodes of the podcast are available on Spotify, iTunes (etc.).

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Welcome to Children's Climate Prize!

Children's Climate Prize supports young people's actions to bring sustainable solutions for our planet.

Children's Climate Prize

Brunnsgatan 13
111 38 Stockholm