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Pharem selected as Semi-Finalist in the QBE AcceliCity Resilience Challange 2021
Pharem selected as Semi-Finalist in the QBE AcceliCity Resilience Challange 2021

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Pharem selected as semi-finalist for AcceliCITY 2021

Of the more than 500 companies from 44 countries that applied to be a part of the AcceliCITY program, Pharem was one of the 50 selected companies that stood out as an exceptional contender. The applicants represent 24 different verticals such as, Internet of Things, AI/Machine Learning, Mobility/Transportation, Urban Agriculture, Smart Health, Smart Water, Security, Environment, Clean Energy, Building Technologies, to name a few.

Selected as a Smart and Resilient City solution, Pharem, with wastewater treatment technology, Zymatic, presents many opportunities for cities seeking greener and more sustainable solutions. The combination of enzymes, material and enzyme immobilization techniques provides a flexible approach for applying a wide range of treatment mechanisms for treatment of organic micropollutants (such as pharmaceutical residues, pesticides, plastic chemicals etc.). Using enzymes, Zymatic installations allows for more compact installations than many other technologies, which is beneficial when looking into expanding wastewater treatment within cities as they are faced by limited land to expand on. Zymatic presents products for both broad treatment effects needed in municipal wastewater treatment plants, but also tailored solutions for industries with challenges caused by organic compounds.

Leading Cities is an early pioneer in the global Smart City ecosystem and just recently announced the end of the QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge solution provider application process. The purpose of AcceliCITY is to further the potential impact Smart and Resilient City solutions will have in cities and towns around the world. The AcceliCITY program and its partners, help companies succeed by connecting them with mentors from Leading Cities’ global network of smart city experts and city leaders.

“Each year the quality of applicants continues to increase, demonstrating the growing maturity of the Smart and Resilient City industry. Being selected as a semi-finalist in the AcceliCITY program among such impressive competitors is already an outstanding achievement and worthy of the attention that cities around the world will now give each semi-finalist,” said Michael Lake, President & CEO of Leading Cities.

Pharem will work with Leading Cities mentors throughout the rest of the competition. Mentors will collaborate with Pharem to establish proper channels, networks, people, and knowledge to do business with cities worldwide and to help achieve goals, increase the value that Pharem can offer with their products, and in general promote growth. With the application process behind them, Pharem will also participate in a round of webinars featuring Smart and Resilient City leaders from around the world. In addition, if Pharem is selected as a Finalists, it will participate in the AcceliCITY Boot Camp, where it will have the chance to connect with potential clients and investors. The boot camp makes a direct impact on the implementation and realization of participant's mission and ensures Finalists will have the solid foundation on which to build future success for their company as well as communities across the globe.

“Pharem is very excited to have been selected as one of the semi-finalists for AcceliCity 2021. There were many companies who applied from all around the world and being shortlisted as semi-finalists is an achievement by itself. The program allows us to further strengthen our network internationally and establish valuable partnerships in various markets and regions. With Zymatic we present solutions that can solve many wastewater treatment challanges caused by organic compounds. We look forward to continuing the program over the next couple of months.” said Christian Ryen, COO and Co-Founder of Pharem

About Leading Cities

Leading Cities is a non-profit organization that drives resilience and sustainability for all by unleashing the potential of the world’s cities. Leading Cities connects cities across the globe with innovations and insights by delivering advanced research, emerging trends, and new technologies that improve the quality of life in urban centers.

Leading Cities partners with government leaders, corporations, start-up companies, investors, and academics to keep cities evolving and working toward their potential, taking on challenges such as climate change, social justice, automation technology, cyber security, data analytics, accessibility, and global health.

AcceliCITY, a signature program, leverages the Leading Cities network of forward thinkers in the public, private, academic, and non-profit sectors to advance innovation in local governments. The program lowers the cost and risk of innovation for start-ups as well as cities and corporations by streamlining the innovation and sales cycles for Smart City solutions.

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Pharem is specialized in enzymatic treatment of wastewater to remove organic micro-pollutants.

We use our broad biotechnology expertise to develop innovative enzymatic products which provide an effective means of removing organic pollutants in water environments. Our products are specifically developed to meet client needs for simple, effective solutions to tackle serious environmental issues within their operational scope.

Through close, ongoing collaboration with stakeholders, we are constantly working toward meeting customer’s requirements and exceeding expectations by providing safe, innovative, and cost-efficient products to counteract the impact organic pollutants have on the environment.


Christian Ryen

Christian Ryen

Press contact COO +46702568414

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Passion for Water Sustainability

Pharem is ​specialized in ​enzymatic ​treatment of ​wastewater to ​remove organic ​micro-pollutants.​

We use our ​broad ​biotechnology ​expertise to ​develop ​innovative ​enzymatic ​products which ​provide an ​effective means ​of removing ​organic ​pollutants in ​water ​environments. ​Our products ​are specifically ​developed to ​meet client ​needs for ​simple, ​effective ​solutions to ​tackle serious ​environmental ​issues within ​their ​operational ​scope. ​

Through close,​ ongoing ​collaboration ​with stakeholders,​ we are ​constantly ​working toward ​meeting ​customer’​s requirements ​and ​exceeding ​expectations by ​providing safe, ​innovative, and ​cost-efficient ​products to ​counteract the ​impact organic ​pollutants have ​on the ​environment. ​

Pharem Biotech AB

Forskargatan 20J
15136 Södertälje