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Pharem brands the PFS technology to Zymatic and presents a flexible water treatment technology to the market.
Pharem brands the PFS technology to Zymatic and presents a flexible water treatment technology to the market.

Press release -

Pharem launches the Zymatic brand after completing the Horizon EU 2020 project

The Horizon 2020 project (called PFS), which represented Pharem’s wastewater treatment technology, has been completed with all key objectives achieved. The focus of the project was to demonstrate and validate the capacity of the enzyme treatment technology under operating conditions at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as well as its ability to remove a wide range of pharmaceutical residues present in the effluent wastewater. Pharem is now introducing its enzyme technology for wastewater treatment to the market. The technology is now called Zymatic and will serve as an alternative to older conventional technology.

Pharem has developed and established a platform for wastewater treatment that can utilise various enzymes, immobilisation techniques and physio-chemical properties of materials combined into a sand-like material (called zymatic sand). The zymatic sand offers excellent flexibility towards any type of water treatment, while being easy to use and cost-effective.

The purpose of the Horizon 2020 project was to industrialise and scale the technology to make it ready to move into the market. This was achieved by demonstrating the technology at the operational level at three different WWTPs in Sweden and the Netherlands. The installation showed an efficiency of over 90% for selected pharmaceuticals and over 70% for all substances in original settings, which could be further improved by adjusting cost and residence times.

- It is exciting to finally achieve the vision we created several years ago. This is a team achievement, and everyone at Pharem is proud to reach the goal of disrupting the water treatment industry with this technology. The technology opens up completely new approaches in the field of water treatment, and we are only scratching the surface of its potential. The Zymatic sand platform that we have established can be used by both industries and municipal treatment plants of various sizes and with different challenges, while at the same time, offering cost levels well below the conventional technologies. We are pleased to be able to expand Zymatic to the larger market, says Martin Ryen, CEO at Pharem.

Zymatic will initially be launched in three different product versions: SMART, PRO and INDUSTRY. Zymatic SMART is a modular wastewater treatment solution for small and medium-sized WWTPs, while Zymatic PRO is more suitable for larger WWTPs. Zymatic INDUSTRY solves customer-specific wastewater challenges by utilising the full potential of the Zymatic platform technology.

More information is available at

Contact: Christian Ryen, COO at Pharem Biotech AB,, +46 (0) 70 256 84 14

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

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Pharem is specialized in enzymatic treatment of wastewater to remove organic micro-pollutants.

We use our broad biotechnology expertise to develop innovative enzymatic products which provide an effective means of removing organic pollutants in water environments. Our products are specifically developed to meet client needs for simple, effective solutions to tackle serious environmental issues within their operational scope.

Through close, ongoing collaboration with stakeholders, we are constantly working toward meeting customer’s requirements and exceeding expectations by providing safe, innovative, and cost-efficient products to counteract the impact organic pollutants have on the environment.


Christian Ryen

Christian Ryen

Press contact COO +46702568414

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Passion for Water Sustainability

Pharem is ​specialized in ​enzymatic ​treatment of ​wastewater to ​remove organic ​micro-pollutants.​

We use our ​broad ​biotechnology ​expertise to ​develop ​innovative ​enzymatic ​products which ​provide an ​effective means ​of removing ​organic ​pollutants in ​water ​environments. ​Our products ​are specifically ​developed to ​meet client ​needs for ​simple, ​effective ​solutions to ​tackle serious ​environmental ​issues within ​their ​operational ​scope. ​

Through close,​ ongoing ​collaboration ​with stakeholders,​ we are ​constantly ​working toward ​meeting ​customer’​s requirements ​and ​exceeding ​expectations by ​providing safe, ​innovative, and ​cost-efficient ​products to ​counteract the ​impact organic ​pollutants have ​on the ​environment. ​

Pharem Biotech AB

Forskargatan 20J
15136 Södertälje