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Pharem welcomes Jula Holding as new owner

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Pharem welcomes Jula Holding as new owner

Pharem, a company developing a technology platform for a more sustainable treatment of organic micropollutants in water environments, welcomes Jula Holding as owner in the ongoing series A financing round. Jula Miljö & Energi, a part of Jula Holding, takes a substantial lead position and aims to close the round in the coming months.

“We are very happy that Jula Holding has joined the team. They have a great focus on sustainability, and their expertise spans over many business areas, which is of high value for Pharem moving forward."says Martin Ryen, CEO of Pharem. “The water treatment industry needs a flexible technology platform which is easy to install and operate, has both low investment- and operational costs, and covers future needs of removal. The financing round will allow us to engage in our rapidly growing pipeline of large-scale projects.”

Pharem’s enzyme-based water treatment technology, Zymatic, presents many opportunities to achieve greener and more sustainable treatment solutions for both municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial processes. By combining advanced enzyme- and material development together with immobilisation methods, Pharem has created a sand-like material that is easily implemented in various water environments. Zymatic can facilitate a large range of treatment mechanisms for the treatment of different organic micropollutants (such as pharmaceutical residues, pesticides, plastic chemicals etc.). Enzymes are efficient, and the installations are more compact and simplified compared to many other technologies, which is advantageous for both cost and implementation in existing facilities.

“Pharem is a cleantech company with great expertise in water treatment and biotech, which have developed solutions for enzyme-based water treatment. They are in a very exciting development phase, and we want to be involved and support that, says Magnus Sigurd, Business Development Director at Jula Holding.

The finance round will be concluded in the coming month. For interest, contact Martin Ryen (

About Jula Holding

The Jula Holding Group has primarily emerged from operations associated with the retail company Jula AB. A group has now evolved from retailing with operations in several different sectors. As retailing has developed, different business areas have emerged and created new business opportunities. Some of these different business activities have developed into independent companies, which are now part of the Jula Holding Group. With this arrangement, Jula Holding see excellent opportunities for the businesses to support each other. The group stands on seven legs today, where Jula Holding is the executive owner company. The idea is that the group will acquire, start, and develop new and existing businesses. Synergies and added value are of prime importance, the different activities of the group should support each other.

About Jula Miljö & Energi.

Jula Miljö & Energi is the Jula Holding Group's energy company and was formed in 2020 when the group invested in a wind farm. The company has continued to make investments in the environmental and energy field, including companies with a clear and innovative sustainability profile.

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Pharem is specialized in enzymatic treatment of wastewater to remove organic micro-pollutants.

We use our broad biotechnology expertise to develop innovative enzymatic products which provide an effective means of removing organic pollutants in water environments. Our products are specifically developed to meet client needs for simple, effective solutions to tackle serious environmental issues within their operational scope.

Through close, ongoing collaboration with stakeholders, we are constantly working toward meeting customer’s requirements and exceeding expectations by providing safe, innovative, and cost-efficient products to counteract the impact organic pollutants have on the environment.


Christian Ryen

Christian Ryen

Press contact COO +46702568414

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Passion for Water Sustainability

Pharem is ​specialized in ​enzymatic ​treatment of ​wastewater to ​remove organic ​micro-pollutants.​

We use our ​broad ​biotechnology ​expertise to ​develop ​innovative ​enzymatic ​products which ​provide an ​effective means ​of removing ​organic ​pollutants in ​water ​environments. ​Our products ​are specifically ​developed to ​meet client ​needs for ​simple, ​effective ​solutions to ​tackle serious ​environmental ​issues within ​their ​operational ​scope. ​

Through close,​ ongoing ​collaboration ​with stakeholders,​ we are ​constantly ​working toward ​meeting ​customer’​s requirements ​and ​exceeding ​expectations by ​providing safe, ​innovative, and ​cost-efficient ​products to ​counteract the ​impact organic ​pollutants have ​on the ​environment. ​

Pharem Biotech AB

Forskargatan 20J
15136 Södertälje