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Bengt Wiberg CEO Sting Free AB Lidingö, Sweden
Bengt Wiberg CEO Sting Free AB Lidingö, Sweden

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Revolutionary nicotine pouch invention conquers patent approvals in US/EUR

2020-09-11 PRESS RELEASE

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN - Sting Free AB’s award-winning nicotine pouch innovation receives patent approvals in the U.S. and Europe. Sting Free Technology makes snus and nicotine pouch products more accessible to adult consumers by eliminating the stinging sensation on the sensitive gum associated with their use.

Patent approvals

Sting Free AB is proud to announce that our US patent application [1], has been approved by the United States Patent Office (USPAT). The European Patent Organization (EPO) has presently issued an intention to grant European patent [2], covering 39 nations. The company already holds the Swedish patent rights to this invention [3].

About the market

Current smokeless tobacco products are estimated [4] to generate 15.6 Billion USD globally in 2020 and are expected to increase to 22.2 Billion USD by 2025. The stinging sensation is often cited as the number one deterrent [5] for new users of oral nicotine products, which is why this breakthrough patent is key to greatly growing the consumer base further.

“We foresee that the already impressive market growth for pouched products containing nicotine will increase substantially when more manufacturers and brands adopt our Sting Free technology.“ says Sting Free AB, CEO Bengt Wiberg.

The invention

The patent covers a new and improved pouch technology wherein one side of the pouch is impermeable to liquids. Products that can utilize this technology include snus, moist snuff, tobacco-free nicotine pouches, CBD, etc. This allows manufacturers of pouched oral nicotine products to easily create new products with vastly different characteristics than those currently on the market. Chief of these new attributes is that the impermeable side removes the stinging sensation on the users’ gums that is common to most of these products. In addition, the technology also allows manufacturers to enhance flavors, pH levels, and nicotine release profiles of their pouch products.

The Sting Free technology has already been successfully produced in a prototype series using unmodified industrial snus packaging machines.

The Swedish Experience

Sting Free AB’s vision is that our technology will bring the so-called “Swedish Experience” regarding pouched snus to the rest of the world. The Swedish experience is the fact that Swedish men have by far the lowest smoking prevalence [6], as well as the lowest tobacco mortality [7], in the European Union. Swedes do however have the same level of tobacco consumption as the EU average due to the fact that 24 % of men and 7% of women are snus users on a regular basis. [8]


The Sting Free innovation has received the Golden Leaf Award at the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum in New York City for the category “Most exciting newcomer to the industry” [9] with the motivation:

“Snus is widely acknowledged to be significantly less harmful than smoking and thus presents considerable opportunity for tobacco harm reduction. However, the stinging sensation associated with snus acts as a deterrent to many would-be users. “

“Wiberg’s solution not only serves the cause of harm reduction, but is also a commercially attractive proposition.”

“The invention has attracted considerable attention already, and could easily be considered the greatest snus innovation since the invention of the pouch.”

The Future of Sting Free

These patent authorizations allow us to begin licensing negotiations in Europe and North

America for Manufacturing and Wholesale Partners. Sting Free AB have signed pre-licensing agreements with both Swedish and foreign manufacturers of snus and nicotine pouch products in August 2020. Currently, Sting Free AB has a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Swedish Match, the world's largest Swedish snus manufacturer and producer of the successful ZYN nicotine pouch.

The company will for the first time be welcoming external investors, who wish to join us on our journey to completely revolutionizing the nicotine industry, in the near future.

About Sting Free AB

Sting Free AB is a Swedish Start-up company that was founded by the CEO Bengt Wiberg, a retired economist and lifelong snus user, who is also the inventor of the technology.

Contact/website www.Stingfreesnus.com

Bengt Wiberg Daniel Wiberg Ken Storey
CEO & founder Co-owner and board member Board member
+46-760-151082 +46-729-732394 +1-416-697-5365
bengt.wiberg@stingfree.nu daniel.wiberg@stingfree.nu ken.storey@stingfree.nu

[1] U.S. application number US 15/255,163

[2] European application number EP 15758767.6A

[3] Swedish publication number SE 539029

[4] https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-smokeless-tobacco-products-market

[5] https://tobaccoreporter.com/2017/03/27/and-the-winners-are-13/

[6] https://www.vapingpost.com/2018/11/28/sweden-reaches-tobacco-free-target-thanks-to-snus/

[7] https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0335-1

[8] https://www.swedishmatch.com/Our-business/smokefree/Market-development/

[9] See footnote 5

Relaterade länkar




Sting Free AB är ett svenskt Start-up företag som grundades av VD Bengt Wiberg, en pensionerad ekonomichef och livslång snusanvändare, som också är uppfinnaren av tekniken. Den patentgodkända tekniken täcker en ny och förbättrad portionspåse-teknologi där ena sidan av portionspåsen är ogenomtränglig för vätskor. Produkter som kan använda denna teknik inkluderar snus, moist snuff, tobaksfria All White nikotinpåsar, CBD etc. Detta gör det möjligt för tillverkare av portionsförpackade orala nikotinprodukter att enkelt skapa nya produkter med helt andra egenskaper än de som för närvarande finns på marknaden. Det viktigaste attributet med dessa nya egenskaper är att den ogenomträngliga sidan tar bort den svidande känslan på användarens tandkött och munslemhinna, som är vanligt för de flesta av dessa produkter. Dessutom tillåter tekniken tillverkare att förbättra smaker, pH-nivåer och nikotin-frigöringsprofiler för sina portionsprodukter.


Daniel Wiberg

Daniel Wiberg

Presskontakt CEO and part owner +46 729 732 394
Bengt Wiberg

Bengt Wiberg

Presskontakt President and founder +46-760151082

Relaterat innehåll

Bengt Wiberg, VD Sting Free AB, hos sin tandläkare på Lidingö som inspirerade honom till den revolutionerande innovationen.

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Bengt Wiberg, inventor and founder of Sting Free AB and his son Daniel Wiberg who is CEO

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Sting Free AB har utvecklat en helt ny och förbättrad portionspåse för snus och nikotinportioner med ett patenterat skydd för tandköttet

Stingfree AB är ett svenskt startup-företag som grundades av Bengt Wiberg, en pensionerad ekonomichef och livslång snusanvändare. Bengt är också uppfinnaren av tekniken efter att hans tandläkare beordrat honom att sluta snusa på grund av skador på tandköttet och munslemhinnan. Tekniken täcker en ny och förbättrad portionspåse där den ena sidan av portionspåsen har ett integrerat skydd mot sveda och irritation på tandköttet. Stingfree tekniken är patentgodkänd i hela Europa och USA. Företagets vision är en rökfri värld.