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Carl Norberg, Co-Founder and ex-Chairman and Per Aniansson, new Chairman of the Board at Turnpike Group.
Carl Norberg, Co-Founder and ex-Chairman and Per Aniansson, new Chairman of the Board at Turnpike Group.

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Per Aniansson appointed new Chairman of Turnpike Group.

A new strong force is joining Turnpike today. Per Aniansson has been appointed new Chairman of the Board.

“It's a true pleasure for me to welcome Per Aniansson as our new Chairman of the Board. Per will greatly contribute to the acceleration of our journey and he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the board. His business acumen and long history of successful board work in progressive, forward leaning companies makes him ideal for the role, particularly as we enter the scale-up phase. With Per we get a very experienced Chairman and for me as Co-founder an invaluable support for the very exciting road ahead”, says Carl Norberg

Per has a M.Sc. Technical Physics, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and MBA, INSEAD Business School in France. 

He has a background from over 20 years in Venture Capital and investment companies such as Fouriertransform, Siemens Mobile Acceleration, Industrivärden and Innovations Kapital as well as operational roles as CEO and CFO in VC backed companies.

"I'm thrilled to be joining as Chairman for Turnpike's strong board and to work tight with the excellent management team led by Jonas Borglin as CEO. I have followed Turnpike's great journey from the start as an investor and advisor. The company has already made it's mark on the future of staff empowerment and with a world class team in place the future is very exciting", says Per Aniansson.

Turnpike Board and CEO, Per Aniansson (Chairman), Peter Carlsson, Elisabeth Örn Sylve, Carl Norberg, Tomas Franzén, Jörgen Andersson, Oscar Bjers, Björn Ögren, Jonas Borglin (CEO)

In his role as investment manager he has taken six companies public Powercell (renewable energy), Renewcell (renewable textiles), OssDsign (medtech), SmartEye (SW/hi-tech), Scibase (medtech) and AAC ClydeSpace (hi-tech).

Per Aniansson is currently Investment Director at Karolinska Development, a public venture capital company within Life Science.

Per has served on 20 boards as chairman or board member through the years and is currently a member of the board of AnaCardio, PharmNovo, Attana Medical, AAC Clydespace and Star Syringe Ltd. 

Per starts his new role today, the 23rd of September.


Turnpike builds software that is transforming the way retail employees work. We enable seamless discreet communication between management and staff that drives real-time customer service and engagement. Our solutions make retail employees more productive, more empowered, and more motivated.

In partnership with Microsoft, Turnpike has attracted the attention from H&M Group, IKEA, Coop and ICA among others. Founded in Stockholm, Sweden 2016 by Carl Norberg, Björn Ögren and Peter Carlsson.


Carl Norberg

Carl Norberg

Press contact Co-Founder CMO +46760321119

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Empower staff to achieve more.

Turnpike builds software that is transforming the way retail and hospitality employees work. We enable seamless discreet communication for frontline staff that drives real-time customer service and engagement.
Our solutions make retail and hospitality employees more productive, more empowered, and more motivated.

Turnpike Group

Eriksbergsgatan 8A
114 30 Stockholm