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5 Busted Myths about Liposuction

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5 Busted Myths about Liposuction

With a myriad of misconceptions surrounding the idea of liposuction, it’s no wonder many of us find ourselves dismissing liposuction as a viable option when it comes to our fat reduction and body contouring solution.

A foggy understanding and clouded judgment on liposuction are but hindrances in the search of our perfect body.

So, just what is the truth behind liposuction? It’s time to debunk the myths and clear that fog of uncertainty that encircles this procedure.

Myth #1 – Liposuction is THE solution to a dramatic weight loss

In our urgent desire to shed those piling pounds, many immediately turn to liposuction for the answer.

However, the assumption that liposuction is the ultimate remedy for massive weight loss cannot be further from the truth.

Essentially, the most ideal candidates for liposuction are individuals who adhere to a comprehensive diet and a strict exercise regime but are still unable to combat those problem areas. Expecting liposuction to work as an instant weight shredder is a myth! It would not only result in an unnatural finish but a medically unsafe one.

Myth #2 – Liposuction is invented solely for the female gender

To all you men out there, you will be pleased to learn that liposuction has a place for you!

The fixation that liposuction is a female-oriented procedure is a myth that needs to be debunked. The truth is, the number of men opting for liposuction to trim away excess body fat has increased significantly over the years.

Liposuction can eradicate persistent, stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen, chest and love handles, giving the male body a more sculpted finish.

With liposuction gaining popularity amongst the masculine gender, liposuction is very much a procedure that the two genders can enjoy.

Myth #3 – Liposuction allows me to do away with exercise and diet

To many, liposuction is synonymous with an exercise and diet-free lifestyle. Unfortunately, liposuction cannot excuse anyone from a slothful way of life.

The beauty in liposuction lies in that it gives you a free pass to start over on a clean slate. Coupled with a diligent workout regime and a sensible diet, aids in the long-term maintenance of your desired body shape.

Conversely, reckless devouring and an absence in a workout routine may risk yielding unflattering results after a liposuction procedure.

There is no doubt that liposuction bears a positive impact on your body when it comes to the re-contouring of the physique.

Myth #4 – Fats will return to the same place if I gain weight after liposuction

Liposuction is a miracle for those with stubborn problem areas, and here’s why. Excess fat is removed during liposuction permanently. A healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise will help to maintain your new look. It is highly recommended that you do your best to keep your weight after treatment.

If any weight gain does occur, it will be proportionally distributed over the entire body. Changes to treated areas are usually more noticeable, with more than 3 to 4 kg weight gain. You can also expect changes that are associated with the normal ageing process.

Myth #5 – Liposuction is easy! Any surgeon can get it done.

Wrong! Wrong! And you could not be more wrong!

Liposuction is more than just the act of sucking the nasty fats out of your body, in actuality; liposuction is a complex surgical procedure that requires a pair of skilful hands to reap the best results.

Only under the hands of a proficient liposuction doctor will you be assured a smooth sailing procedure that is complication-free and ensures the most natural-looking result.

Amaris B Clinic to the rescue

Performing body contouring and fat reduction procedures since 2005, Amaris B Clinic’s strength lies in its body sculpting procedures, with liposuction being one of their fortes.

A myriad of liposuction procedures ranging from Vaser Liposuction, and Laserlipoliysis (Laser Liposuction) to 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) are offered at Amaris B Clinic; you can be assured of a beautifully sculpted body from head to toe.

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An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

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