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Bad skin and man boobs can really crush a guy’s confidence. But there are solutions.
Bad skin and man boobs can really crush a guy’s confidence. But there are solutions.

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Rebuild That Man In The Mirror

The usual narrative is that only women prim and preen – that the fairer of the sex is more inclined to worry about appearance. But that isn’t true – in fact, in a recent Men’s Health survey, 32% of men – 45% of them are aged 18 to 34 – have edited or cropped a photo to make themselves look better online. But worst of all – 1 in 20 men have been teased, trolled, or body-shamed on social media about their appearance or weight.

While you shouldn’t be trying to improve your appearance for anyone else but yourself, the fact is there are medical solutions to improve your grooming and appearance.

Let’s start with gynecomastia. Pronounced guy-neh-co-mastia, the Greek word means ‘woman’s breasts’. In today’s vernacular, we call them ‘man boobs’, and the term is used to describe the occurrence of enlarged breast tissues in men. It’s not just an aesthetic problem – it’s a medical condition.

Worst of all – it’s not something you can dispel with just exercise, as most of the time, the trouble is enlarged glandular tissue and excess fat tissues, which no amount of workout or healthy eating can reverse.

What’s the treatment? At Amaris. B Clinic, you can consult Dr. Ivan Puah, who has more than 14 years of clinical practice in body sculpting and is MOH accredited to perform liposuction in Singapore. He will evaluate your clinical condition and propose an appropriate treatment plan for you – which may involve gynecomastia surgery with nipple reduction and skin tightening.

For most, gynecomastia surgery typically involves glandular and fat tissue removal to achieve a natural, lean, masculine-looking chest.

Now, what of your face? In the case of acne, some of the main catalysts are inherent – and they could be down to your skin type, which you inherit via your DNA, and the root of your breakouts could be down to having either sensitive, oily, dry or acne-prone skin. The problem – they aren’t just confined to your adolescent moments – is that these factors don’t change with age.

And when the skin pores are engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, the pores swell, causing your skin follicle wall to break. While your skin will heal, it never looks as smooth as the original skin, where acne scars ensue.

The solution? Pico Fractional Laser treats acne scarring by first creating thermal injury on the targeted area. The injured skin will then trigger the body’s natural healing cycle, after which collagen production is stimulated; skin repairing and remodelling will occur.

Now, a qualified and certified doctor can only perform laser treatments. For your skin and body concerns, visit Amaris B. Clinic for a consultation now!

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An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

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