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Globee recruiting hundreds to work at home in Malaysia

3 August 2020, Kuala Lumpur -- Despite the limitations brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, Globee, a joint venture between Everise and UBASE, experienced almost 250% revenue growth year on year to 30 May 2020. The next-generation Multilingual Customer Experience Hub is currently recruiting hundreds of staff in Malaysia to supplement their headcount, which they expect to increase to 740 by December 2020.

Malaysia’s unemployment rate hit its highest peak in a decade, at 3.9 percent in April 2020, standing at 600,000. Yet, Malaysia is an apt location for a BPO, with the market predicted to hit USD 1.4 billion by 2021[1].

For Everise, it is the ideal place to house a service centre that offers support in all Asian languages. The country’s weather and geography attracts native speakers from all across Asia to live there, such that just over 50% of the company’s customer experience (CX) champions in Malaysia come from North Asia (Japan, Taiwan and Korea). Which means that from Malaysia, Everise can deliver support for Asia’s logistics, gaming, consumer electronics and fintech companies. In fact, Everise, through Globee, is among the largest employers of native Japanese speakers in Malaysia, with over 250 full-time native Japanese staff members.

Moreover, Everise is well regarded as an employer, with the CEO scoring a highly positive 94% on Glassdoor. For Globee, staff attrition rates fell to a low of 1.9% in May, and accordingly, the company’s KPI pass rate (the measure by which the company achieves all targets set by clients) increased to 76%.

Impact of COVID-19

“While COVID-19 forced us to work from home, fortunately we were operationally ready to do so and that has us well positioned to continue growth in this uncertain economic environment,” remarked Sudhir Agarwal, Founder and CEO of Everise.

Everise moved 90 percent of its 12,000 strong global workforce onto a secure Desktop as a Service (Daas), work at home (W@H) solution in under two weeks during March 2020, which in no small part was a factor that supported increased demand from their enterprise customers.

“We are a people-first company who has entrepreneurship and innovation in our DNA. It is critical that we live these values during a crisis to offer a superior brand experience,” says Sudhir Agarwal.

Creating personalized customer touchpoints

Everise’s operations in Malaysia supports a trend in Asia for digitally savvy and increasingly discerning consumers in Asia who expect brands to speak with one voice and to provide hassle-free, omnichannel experiences.

What is easily overlooked is that consumers perceive that when interacting across different touchpoints with the brand, the brand knows who they are. For example, if you buy a branded product, you might expect the brand to know who you are when you buy a different product from them. Consumers don’t want to repeat answers to questions or fill in similar information that they’ve already provided once to the brand.

However, only 35% of companies provide an omnichannel customer service experience, as traditionally, it has been difficult to cater to a consumer’s need for varied channels of communication. When a company invests heavily in cross border expansion, providing multiple communication touchpoints - say across voice, email, chat, video or social media - may be cost-inhibitive.

But particularly in Malaysia, Everise is well set up to provide this experience. Brands can tap Everise, which already has varied channels for communications, to easily enable their customers to interact with their brand in the manner they prefer.

Everise keeps track of the customer information across any channel, and, armed with analytics and appropriate information, connects the dots behind the scenes, thereby helping the brand to create an omnichannel experience, providing a seamless and personalised consumer journey at key touchpoints. The brand benefits from integrated analytics that provide relevant business intelligence and an accurate summary of customer sentiment.

To this end, Everise, through Globee, leverages Malaysia’s multinational population to grow its customer service champions base and contribute to the BPO’s sector growth. If you are interested in working with Everise, visit We look forward to welcoming you!


About Everise

Everise is a global experience brand extending CX transformation to enterprises from the Fortune 500 to the world’s most beloved unicorns to high growth tech start-ups. With 15 experience centres located strategically across 8 countries, Everise, a next-generation BPO, leverages the unique strengths of specific geographies and populations to provide partners with outsourced customer, product and digital experience solutions that are scalable, sustainable, agile, secure and fluent in over 20 languages.

About Globee

Globee is a next-generation Multilingual Customer Experience Hub, where native speakers support their fellow native speakers. Our innovative cross-shore approach connects high-growth brands to over 20 languages and cultures. Trusted by some of the world’s most loved brands, Globee is a joint-venture between Everise, and UBASE, Korea’s largest Customer Management provider. Our state-of-the-art centre in Malaysia combined with our presence in Japan, enables the best of both companies to deliver high-performing omnichannel customer experiences, at a lower cost, without compromising on the customer experience.

[1]The Borneo Post

Notes to Editors:

Sudhir Agarwal, CEO of Everise, shares more about this story in a video viewable with EnglishBahasa Melayu and Chinese subtitles, where he explains:

  • Why Everise, through Globee, is hiring more customer experience agents at this time despite worldwide economic contractions
  • How Everise was able to move 90% of its 12,000 strong global workforce to a work-at-home model within two weeks in March 2020
  • His vision for Everise as a company delivering seamless omnichannel customer experiences to meet growth opportunities in Malaysia and Asia

Media Contacts

Illka Gobius
Pinpoint PR
+65 9769 8370

Jade Randall


  • Business enterprise


  • business
  • bpo
  • malaysia
  • kuala lumpur
  • technology
  • work from home
  • employment
  • employment opportunities
  • customer experience
  • globee
  • work at home
  • remote work
  • cx
  • omnichannel
  • digital experience
  • everise
  • sudhir agarwal
  • next gen bpo

About Everise

Everise is a global experience brand extending CX transformation to enterprises from the Fortune 500 to the world’s most beloved unicorns to high growth tech start-ups. With 15 experience centres located strategically across 8 countries, Everise, a next-generation BPO, leverages the unique strengths of specific geographies and populations to provide partners with outsourced customer, product and digital experience solutions that are scalable, sustainable, agile, secure and fluent in over 20 languages.

About Globee

Globee is a next-generation Multilingual Customer Experience Hub, where native speakers support their fellow native speakers. Our innovative cross-shore approach connects high-growth brands to over 20 languages and cultures. Trusted by some of the world’s most loved brands, Globee is a joint-venture between Everise, and UBASE, Korea’s largest Customer Management provider. Our state-of-the-art centre in Malaysia combined with our presence in Japan, enables the best of both companies to deliver high-performing omnichannel customer experiences, at a lower cost, without compromising on the customer experience.


Sheree Tan

Press contact Associate +65 8313 9472

Hakim Ishak

Press contact Client Executive +65 8949 3040

Windy Oktaviani

Press contact Associate +62 811 910 9266

Ramilyn Laysa

Press contact Senior Associate +63 998 992 4925

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