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Dwayne Foster of GoldIcon Enterprise Reveals the 5 Steps to Achieving Self-Motivation

"Motivation is the secret to success, and without it, you’ll struggle to achieve your goals,” comments Dwayne Foster, CEO at GoldIcon Enterprise. The business owner has revealed his five steps to achieving self-motivation.

GoldIcon Enterprise: About the firm

Birmingham-based direct sales and marketing specialists, GoldIcon Enterprise, have worked hard to cultivate a motivational environment. CEO Dwayne Foster believes that motivation is integral to success and the business owner has shared his five steps to achieving self-motivation.

1. Set high but realistic goals

Setting goals is integral to maintaining motivation. Mr. Foster believes that setting both micro and macro goals play a considerable role in maintaining motivation and achieving success. The business owner urges the firm’s contractors to take time every Sunday to set goals for the week, allowing them to analyse their progress and what needs to be done.

The business owner argues that whenever someone faces challenges, goals help to remind them why they started in the first place. “Setting high goals is vital for maintaining motivation, however, make sure they are realistic, as unrealistically high goals will set you up for failure and demoralise you,” commented Mr. Foster.

2. Ask for feedback

Feedback, both positive and negative can play a critical role in maintaining motivation. Positive feedback reinforces the great work and makes someone want to keep it up. Negative feedback as long as it is constructive criticism can have a positive impact. “Taking negative feedback with a positive attitude can provide the drive to improve performance,” states Mr. Foster.

3. Commit to learning

“Knowledge is power, and the more you know the further you can go,” explains Mr. Foster. The business owner has implemented that philosophy at GoldIcon Enterprise. The direct sales and marketing specialists have cultivated a culture of development and continual learning. The firm frequently hosts motivational and educational workshops and seminars to help their contractors to learn, grow and develop. Mr. Foster argues that the more informed someone is, the more it boosts the development of their brain and chances of success.

4. Celebrate the small victories

The road to success can be long and winding and full of ups and downs; therefore it’s important to celebrate the small achievements,” argues Mr. Foster. The CEO urges aspiring professionals to reward themselves for each win, no matter how small. The business owner contends that rewards keep people motivated to achieve the next goal.

5. Set deadlines

Deadlines are vital to prevent procrastination. Mr. Foster argues that self-imposed deadlines keep people focused on their goals and instill a sense of urgency. The entrepreneur believes that setting realistic timeframes for each goal will push someone to focus and achieve it without becoming overwhelmed.

GoldIcon Enterprise is a Birmingham-based direct sales and marketing firm that aims to deliver the most personalised, dynamic, and unique marketing solutions. CEO Dwayne Foster regularly hosts motivational workshops and seminars to help the firm’s contractors to learn, grow and develop.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • goldicon enterprise


  • West Midlands


Dwayne Foster: CEO

0121 306 9874

GoldIcon Enterprise specialises in unique direct marketing solutions throughout Birmingham and the West Midlands. Our personalised marketing campaigns are designed to make genuine connections with consumers and spread brand awareness which leads to increased interest and hype surrounding your brand, products and services.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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