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Immensus Associates comment on the value of apprenticeships

With the cost of going to university continuing to rise, and people being left with massive student debts, more young people are now seeking alternative routines into the workplace, and Immensus Associates believe that apprenticeships offer tremendous value.

Immensus Associates: About the firm

Managing Director at Immensus Associates, Jamila Zadran loves the idea of apprenticeships and how individuals who choose that route are not focused on money or titles, they just want to learn, grow and develop and the direct sales and marketing specialists are looking to attract individuals with that mentality.

The Leeds-based firm has revealed the four advantages to apprenticeships.

1. Learn practical work skills

One of the biggest hurdles for graduates transitioning into the workplace is a lack of practical experience. Therefore one of the most significant advantages of an apprenticeship is the ability to learn skills on the go. From the first day, apprentices are working and learning skills that they will use throughout their career. They divide their time between study and work, so every year of an apprenticeship is a year's work experience. Direct sales and marketing specialists, Immensus Associates has adopted a practical and theoretical method to learning. The firm has a variety of training methods with both ‘on the job’ learning and classroom style teaching. Managing Director, Jamila Zadran contends that a mix of the two learning styles is the driving factor of the firm's success.

2. Earn while you learn

The ability to earn while you learn is one of the critical advantages of apprenticeships versus university. Students pay university fees, resulting in an average debt of £50k upon graduation. The primary benefit of earning while you learn is being able to gain valuable skills and pay bills simultaneously. The average apprentice earnings upon completion are £29k, whereas the average graduate earnings upon completion are £21k.

3. Networking

Immensus Associates argue that forging the right relationships in business is pivotal to success. The direct sales and marketing specialists urge their staff and contractors to make networking a priority and to capitalise on every networking opportunity that comes their way. Those in apprenticeships have the chance to build their network from day one. Apprentices are continually meeting people actively involved in their industry.

4. Guaranteed Employment

One of the biggest drawbacks to university is the accumulated debt with no guarantee of a job upon graduation. 20% of graduates enter low or medium skilled jobs upon completion of their degree. Apprentices are already employed when they complete their training and 90% stay in employment, 71% staying with the same employer according to the NAS - National Apprenticeship Service (2016).

Immensus Associates provides direct marketing solutions across a range of industries and disciplines. The firm believes that their business development programme could be the perfect fit for those considering an apprenticeship over university.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • immensus associates


  • West Yorkshire


Managing Director: Jamila Zadran

Immensus Associates provides direct marketing solutions across a range of industries and disciplines. We offer high levels of expertise to our clients that in turn helps to drive their sales, raise brand awareness and ultimately increase their revenue. We value the opportunity to help our clients grow, feeding into our desire for progression.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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