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Simplx question whether some brands truly know if they’re making the right first impression

Sydney-based sales and marketing startup Simplx respectfully pose the question of whether or not small businesses throughout Australia are really delving into the semantics concerning their first impression.

Simplx: About the Company

The firm have been holding in-house workshops discussing the importance of a lasting first impression, and the consequence of which produced a debate regarding the ‘right’ first impression - not meaning just a ‘good’ one.

Targeting the right demographic is just the start - the message and feel of the interchange between brand and consumer needs to be meticulous, argues Simplx. Indeed, the firm suggests a good first impression will often be a polite one, where a lasting one will ooze credibility, with brand values gushing at all consumer touch points.

“Some first impressions need to fall in line with the company’s brand values - others just need to be ‘good’. It all depends on what the intentions are behind the interchange, and if the brand has lived up to the expectations of the consumer,” argues Dave Locke, Simplx’s Managing Director.

Either through advertising or word of mouth, potential customers only ever become aware of you once - and Simplx want small business owners in Australia to really sit down and evaluate how their customers form an impression. This is because the firm believe lots of business is being lost and resources wasted, because it can be extremely expensive to get customers to shift away from their initial perception.

While advertising is good at shaping perception, Simplx - who operate in the offline, face to face marketing arena - believe word of mouth is better.

“When consumers hear about your company from someone in their lives, friends, family, coworkers, relatives it has a greater weight to it than a standalone billboard. Trust is key,” suggests Locke. “Wow them again and again, and you will win their loyalty.”

Simplx review and employ face to face marketing approaches to bridge the gap between companies and consumers. Visit their website at to find out more.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • simplx


Dave Locke

Managing Director


In today’s technology-based world, we are taking a stand to simplify things back to human connections and replaceable systems. Essentially, we provide direct sales and marketing solutions for many high-profile clients that are keen to explore simple, effective and fun-based human interactions with their consumers in the public domain.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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