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Skogsbruk och det nya ramverket för utveckling. Foto: fotoakuten.se
Skogsbruk och det nya ramverket för utveckling. Foto: fotoakuten.se

Nyhet -

Seminarium: Forestry in the new development frameworks – CIFOR’s Strategy 2016–2025

Millions of hectares of tropical forests have been converted to agriculture, degraded landscapes amount to nearly 2 billion hectares, and inequality has grown in countries around the world. Yet, there is reason to be optimistic: forest expansion and restoration are gaining ground, the rate of deforestation is slowing, and awareness of the importance of forests is spreading among governments, corporations and the global public.

In 2015, key developments such as the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement formed the basis of a new global development framework, at the forefront of which is forestry and landscapes. The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has developed a new strategy 2016–2025 which builds explicitly on this new framework, defining the ways in which CIFOR’s forestry research, capacity development and engagement will provide opportunities to the emerging development agenda.

At this joint-seminar CIFOR’s new strategy will be presented followed by a presentation of how the new development frameworks are addressed in Sweden.

A key proposition in CIFOR’s new strategy is that forestry contributes significantly to each of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as to our efforts in dealing with climate change. Further, CIFOR suggest that forestry should be approached through integrated landscape approaches that bridge across traditional sectors. Defining forestry in this way may open up for interesting opportunities to broaden and enhance benefits on all levels. The CIFOR Strategy 2016–2025 is available here.

The seminar will be held in Swedish.


Moderator: Lisa Sennerby Forsse, preses KSLA

Tid: Onsdag 15 juni kl 10.00–13.00

Plats: Kung. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Drottninggatan 95 B, Stockholm

Avgift: Gratis men obligatorisk anmälan

Anmälan:senast 8 juni

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Kungl. Skogs och Lantbruksakademien (KSLA) är en mötesplats för forskare och producenter, praktiker och konsumenter, politiker och allmänhet. Vid akademiens seminarier och möten träffas människor från olika delar av samhället i respektfull dialog och diskussion. Vi delar och sprider kunskap med målet att det ska fattas kloka beslut i samhället om ett uthålligt brukande av våra biologiska naturresurser.

Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, KSLA

Drottninggatan 95 B, Box 6806
113 86 Stockholm