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Sean Baker receives "Stockholm Visionary Award"

Sean Baker receives "Stockholm Visionary Award"

Sean Baker, the director behind the Palme d'Or winner "Anora" is awarded "Stockholm Visionary Award". The Stockholm International Film Festival opens with a screening of "Anora" and in connection with the screening, Sean Baker receives the award on November 6 at Bio Skandia.
The Stockholm Visionary Award is awarded to an American indie favorite with an empathetic eye towards the misfits, minori

Pressinbjudan: Välkommen till Stockholms internationella filmfestivals presskonferens 9 oktober kl. 09.00

Pressinbjudan: Välkommen till Stockholms internationella filmfestivals presskonferens 9 oktober kl. 09.00

Stockholms filmfestival välkomnar er till presskonferens, onsdagen den 9:e oktober kl 09.00, då årets festivalprogram kommer att presenteras. Under presskonferensen kommer även årets pristagare, SkyShowtime Rising Star Award-nominerade och de nominerade till kortfilmstävlingen 1 km film tillkännages.

Programchef Beatrice Karlsson och Programkoordinator Jakob Åsell presenterar filmfestivalen

Foto: Lasse Lychnell/Stockholms internationella filmfestival

Här är vinnarna på Stockholms internationella filmfestival 2023

Idag presenteras vinnarna som utsetts av juryn på Stockholms filmfestival 2023. Vinnare av årets bronshäst i kategorin Bästa film är den chilenska regissören Felipe Gàlvez brutala western The Settlers som tematiserar koloniseringen av Chile och den etniska rensningen av Maputche-folket.

@photo cred. Thomas Persson

These are the stars of tomorrow: SkyShowtime Rising Star Award 2023 nominees

For the fifteenth year in a row, the Stockholm International Film Festival celebrates a new talent, this year with the SkyShowtime Rising Star Award. The award is given to the young actor who has made outstanding achievements in film and TV, and thus has the opportunity to become the star of the future. The winner will be chosen at the festival's awards ceremony on the 19th of November.

The most viewed films of Stockholm International Film Festival 2022

The most viewed films of Stockholm International Film Festival 2022

The 33rd edition of Stockholm International Film Festival 2022 has come to an end. We showed more than 130 films from 50 different countries consisting of a great blend of genres and 14 Academy Award entries. For the first time in the festival’s history, the award for Best Film went to a Swedish director – Ali Abbasi who won the Bronze Horse with Holy Spider.

Photo cred: Thomas Persson, Johnny Wohlin

Here are the nominees for the Zalando Rising Star Award 2022

For the fourteenth time in a row, the Stockholm International Film Festival is awarding a young talented actor with the Zalando Rising Star Award. The goal is to acknowledge actors early on in their career and the Festival's alumni include Alicia Vikander and Gustav Lindh. This year’s winner will be announced Friday 18th of November and will be invited to Festival de Cannes next May 2023.

It is happening now! Stockholm International Film Festival 2022 is around the corner

It is happening now! Stockholm International Film Festival 2022 is around the corner

Ten days of 130 films from 60 countries, both in cinemas and digitally via Festival on Demand, which today is an integrated part of the film festival. Stockholm International Film Festival 9-20 November 2022, the 33rd in a row, will be a grand festival with screenings, galas, award ceremonies, seminars and meetings with international actors and directors.

Årets största filmfest är tillbaka! Det är nu det händer.

Årets största filmfest är tillbaka! Det är nu det händer.

Stockholms internationella filmfestival 9-20 november 2022 den 33:e i ordningen blir en storslagen filmfest med filmvisningar, galor, prisutdelningar, seminarier, samtal och möten med internationella gäster: Allt med publiken i fokus. Tio dagar av 130 filmer från ett 60-tal länder, både på bio och digitalt via Festival on Demand som idag är en integrerad del av filmfestivalen.

Publikrekord och filmfest - Sommarbio summerar

Publikrekord och filmfest - Sommarbio summerar

Stockholm filmfestivals Sommarbio är över för den här gången, och vilken filmfest det blev. Fem dagar fullmatade med film, musik, glädje, jubel och eufori med massor av människor på den stora gräsmattan framför bioduken i Rålambshovsparken.
Äntligen var Sommarbio tillbaka i Rålambshovsparken efter två års frånvaro p.g.a. pandemin. Vi öppnade på onsdagen med Spielbergs Jurassic Park och slog ge

Stockholm International Film Festival launches a new short film award - Nikon Short Film Awards

Stockholm International Film Festival launches a new short film award - Nikon Short Film Awards

Stockholm International Film Festival kick-starts this summer by launching a new short film award together with Nikon. The award is founded to encourage filmmakers all over Europe to use their creativity and imagination to create the best possible short film with a maximum of 60 seconds. The winning entry will be shown at the festival and the winner will also receive a Nikon Z Series Mirrorless Ca

Stockholms filmfestival

Stockholm International Film Festival | November 5-16 2025

Stockholm International Film Festival started in 1990 and is today one of the leading film festivals in Europe. The 2025 edition of the festival will include over 130 film premiers from all over the world. We also arrange Stockholm Film Festival Junior, Drive-in, Sommarbio, exclusive screenings and special events throughout the year.