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Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Higher salmon volumes and US growth resulted in record seafood exports in January

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 15.3 billion in January. This is an increase of NOK 1.9 billion, or 14 per cent, compared with the same month last year.

“January was characterised by increased export volumes for salmon and solid value growth for several of our wild-caught species. In addition, the Norwegian krone has weakened against both the dollar and the euro compared with January last

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Price growth and increased volumes resulted in the highest value ever for Norwegian seafood exports in November

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 17.3 billion in November. This is an increase of NOK 1 billion, or 6 per cent, compared with the same month last year.
"We've seen several months in a row of solid growth in seafood exports, and this trend continued in November. Thanks to price growth for salmon, mackerel, cod, haddock and herring, this was the best November ever in terms of value," says Christ

Photo: Johan Kvalheim, Norwegian Seafood Council

Strong September secures solid quarter for Norwegian seafood exports

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 44.1 billion in the third quarter. This is an increase of NOK 2.2 billion, or 5 per cent, compared with the same period last year.
“Thanks to a historically high export value in September, we have put behind us the best third quarter ever. This time there is virtually no currency effect from a weak Norwegian krone, since we are comparing with the same period la

Norwegian seafood export value in July totalled NOK 13 billion

Norwegian seafood export value in July totalled NOK 13 billion

This is an increase of NOK 727 million, or 6 per cent, from the same month last year. The largest markets for Norwegian seafood exports in July were Poland, Denmark and the Netherlands Seafood from Norway was exported to a total of 111 countries in July. This is 1 more than in July last year.
"The reason behind the increase in export value for July is a weakened Norwegian krone against both t

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Value growth for salmon and trout contributed to solid seafood exports in May

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 14 billion in May. This is an increase of NOK 1 billion, or 8 per cent, compared with the same month last year.
"The growth in value in May is largely due to increased export volumes of both salmon and trout, as well as price growth for salmon," says Christian Chramer, CEO of the Norwegian Seafood Council.
Best May ever for seafood exports
In the first fo

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Currency effects boost value of Norwegian seafood exports

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 13.9 billion in April. This is an increase of NOK 924 million, or 7 per cent, compared with the same month last year.
“The value of exports has never been higher in April than this year. The growth is largely due to the Norwegian krone, which has weakened slightly against the euro and the US dollar compared with April last year. In addition, last month saw incr

Photo: Christina Neumann, Norwegian Seafood Council

Decline in seafood exports in the first quarter

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 40.2 billion in the first quarter. This is a decrease of NOK 1.2 billion, or 3 per cent, compared with the same period last year.
“Thanks to a weak Norwegian krone and high prices, export value grew in January and February. However, the currency effect declined in March, while there has been a drop in volume for several species in the first three months of the

Foto: Sverre Simonsen

Rekordpåmelding til Torskefiskkonferansen

Aldri før har så mange ønsket å være med på Torskefiskkonferansen. Den er for lengst utsolgt, og nå er det kun digital påmelding som er mulig.
Torsdag 2. november er det duket for årets utgave av den tradisjonsrike konferansen. Denne gang har arrangørene Norges sjømatråd og Norges Råfisklag hatt ekstra mye å gjøre i forkant.
Måtte si stopp på 450 deltagere
- I år har det vært en historis

Photo: Tom Haga, Norwegian Seafood Council

Norway exported NOK 15.4 billion worth of seafood in October

Norwegian seafood worth NOK 15.4 billion was exported in October. The highest value ever in a single month and an increase of NOK 3.3 billion, or 27 per cent, from the same month last year.
The export value in October was NOK 727 million higher than the previous record month, which was September 2022.
Half a billion a day
"Norwegian seafood exports experienced historical growth in October

Photo: Carlos Levitanus, Norwegian Seafood Council

New export records and large cost increases

The value of Norwegian seafood exports has never been higher in a single month than in August. Last month, Norway exported NOK 12.5 billion worth of seafood. This is an increase of NOK 2.9 billion, or 30 per cent, compared to August last year.
So far this year, the export value of Norwegian seafood has grown by NOK 21.2 billion, or 29 per cent, to a total value of NOK 94 billion, compared to th

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Historically high Norwegian seafood exports in May

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 12.4 billion in May. This is an increase of NOK 4.1 billion, or 49 per cent, compared with May last year.
- The strong global demand for Norwegian seafood gave an export value in May which is the second highest ever in a single month, only beaten by March this year. Increased export prices, primarily for salmon, but also for other species such as trout, cod, sa

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Rapid growth in Norwegian seafood exports in the first quarter

Despite the tense global trade situation, the export value of Norwegian seafood has never been higher in a first quarter than in 2022. In the first three months of the year, Norway exported seafood worth NOK 34 billion. This is a growth in value of 22 per cent, or NOK 6.2 billion, measured against the first quarter last year.
“A strong global demand for Norwegian seafood yielded record export v

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Robust growth for Norwegian seafood exports in February

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 11.3 billion in February. This is an increase of NOK 2.6 billion, or 30 per cent, compared with February last year.
“This is the highest value of Norwegian seafood exports ever registered in February. However, the war in Ukraine overshadows this. The dramatic situation affects us first and foremost strongly on the human level, but also affects the flow of seafo

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Record high Norwegian seafood exports in 2021

The last 12 months have been the best year ever for Norwegian seafood exports. Norway exported 3.1 million tonnes of seafood worth NOK 120.8 billion in 2021. This sets a record in both volume and value and represents the equivalent of 42 million seafood meals every single day of the year.
"2021 was another exciting export year for Norwegian seafood. We are in the very favourable position of ha

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Norwegian seafood exports reach a historic milestone in November

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 12 billion in November. This is an increase of NOK 2.6 billion, or 28 per cent, compared with November last year. So far this year, seafood has been exported for NOK 108.8 billion. This milestone breaks the annual record from 2019 of NOK 107.2 billion.
“Although we still have major challenges with the corona pandemic both at home and abroad, we are experiencing

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

October is a new strong month for Norwegian seafood exports

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 12,1 billion in October, an increase of NOK 1,6 billion, or 15 per cent, compared with October last year. So far this year, the export value is NOK 9,5 billion ahead of last year.
"Even though the corona pandemic is not over, the export value of Norwegian seafood continues to increase. This is the highest value measured in a single month. The previous record wa

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Norwegian seafood exports grow by NOK 7.9 billion

Never before has Norwegian seafood exports attained a higher value for the first nine months of the year. So far this year, seafood exports have totalled NOK 84.7 billion, which corresponds to a growth in value of 10 per cent, or NOK 7.9 billion, when measured against the same period last year.
“A gradual reopening of the markets has given a boost to the demand for Norwegian seafood. From a fal

Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council

Largest ever growth in value of Norwegian seafood exports

Norway exported seafood worth NOK 9.6 billion in August. This is an increase of NOK 2.3 billion, or 32 per cent, compared with August last year.

"Norwegian seafood exports have never attained a higher value in the month of August before. A gradual reopening of global markets has obviously had a positive effect. It is very gratifying to see that healthy, tasty and sustainable seafood from No

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Proudly representing Seafood from Norway

The Norwegian Seafood Council works with the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture industries to develop markets for Norwegian seafood through local market intelligence, market development and reputational risk management. The Seafood Council is headquartered in Tromsø and maintains local representatives in twelve of Norway's most important international markets. The Norwegian seafood industry finances the activities of the Norwegian Seafood Council via a tariff on all Norwegian seafood exports. The Norwegian Seafood Council is a public company owned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.