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Bamboosh Celebrates at UK Sales and Marketing Regional Conference

Bamboosh is Maidstone’s most successful direct marketing agency, and the business has recently had the pleasure of displaying their recent accolades at a UK Regional Seminar for the entire sales and marketing sector.

Bamboosh: About the company

Bamboosh has detailed the importance of attending such industry networking opportunities, with a strong focus on exposing young professionals to speeches and discussions led by industry experts. Such events also provide the opportunity for individuals to share their ideas and receive feedback from others within the business.

Managing Director, Luke Walker took the team to the recent seminar on Sunday 3rd of June, and the event was a special opportunity to celebrate the achievements of one of their own contractors. The aspiring professional has graduated Bamboosh’s business development programme and is set to open her direct sales and marketing agency in the coming months.

Bamboosh’s managing director, Luke Walker, displayed his delight at the young professional’s success, “This is a huge achievement for an individual who has worked exceedingly hard in the previous months. We are all exceedingly proud of her and can’t wait to see what the next year brings.”

This achievement comes months after the young professional first entered the industry, and is a huge success for Bamboosh. The business is eager to continue this trend with a strong focus in the coming months on self-improvement and development. The company is keen to continue to provide opportunities for their contractors to beat records and exceed their own expectations.

Bamboosh’s in-house development programme is designed around accelerating the skills and achievements of their contractors. The course focuses on introducing young professionals to the sales and marketing sector, providing them with the opportunities to network with industry professionals and attend industry seminars.

Entrepreneur Luke Walker has had a direct hand in the development of this programme, eager to provide young aspiring business owners with the skills they need to succeed. “Role development is a huge aspect of our business model here at Bamboosh, and we are passionate about creating the industry leaders of the future” concluded the business owner.

Bamboosh are the outsourced sales and marketing agency that is dedicated to change the industry. The firm conducts unique and innovative campaigns for their clients that focus on person-to-person interactions. Bamboosh is based in the Maidstone area with objectives of expanding further afield in the coming months.


  • Business enterprise, General


  • bamboosh


  • Kent


Managing Director: Luke Walker

We are providers of outsourced sales and marketing, with specialist in customer acquisition, personal development and direct marketing. We plan, develop and test marketing campaigns that are strategically designed to suit your target audience.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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