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Utilise technology to get a grip on business claims Bamboosh

Managing Director of Bamboosh, argues that getting on top of technology is the most pivotal aspect of running a successful business. The passionate entrepreneur is urging aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners to utilise technology to get a grip on business.

Bamboosh: About the company.

Bamboosh understands that technology must be used by small businesses to encourage growth, helping entrepreneurs to get a grip on their companies in order to run successfully. The firm details how advances in technology have made many aspects of business such as controlling finances, enhancing growth and recruitment much more manageable.

As such, the firm has detailed specific ways to utilise technology within small businesses to accelerate success. Bamboosh advises initiating a technology exploration with apps and software focused on productivity, such as time tracking programmes. Using technology in this way will encourage contractors to pinpoint areas in which they spend most of their time, helping to adapt and modify their habits to increase productivity.

Bamboosh explores how technology can similarly be used for individuals based at all levels within the business, including those in leadership roles. Technology that has a strong focus on finances can be invaluable to a small business states Managing Director, Luke Walker. The most effective form is arguably applications that help to budget, recording outgoings that can be shared with internal accountants.

Bamboosh has a high focus on the development of their contractors, which can also be made simpler with the use of specific technologies. Through programs focused on collaboration and learning, individuals are made to feel more motivated. Knowledge can be expanded with online courses, file sharing and both external and internal conferences can be combined to enhance the skill set of individuals.

Although customer service requires a human touch, Bamboosh understands that certain aspects can be enhanced through technology. The firm detail how online feedback and questionnaires can be sent out to clients and consumers that are aimed at receiving useful and constructive criticism on services that can improve processes.

Bamboosh is the Maidstone based direct sales and marketing firm that have a business model as unique and compelling as their name. The company has a strong focus on advancing technologies having recently expanded into their own Youtube channel, under Bamboosh TV. The firm eagerly trains their contractors on all aspects of the sales and marketing sector with a strong focus on developing the future leaders of the industry.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • bamboosh


  • Kent


Managing Director: Luke Walker

We are providers of outsourced sales and marketing, with specialist in customer acquisition, personal development and direct marketing. We plan, develop and test marketing campaigns that are strategically designed to suit your target audience.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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