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Customer Service & Sales is interlinked claims London Sales Execs

At London Sales Execs, their mission is to change the way that sales is perceived and they do that by focusing on customer experience. The customer acquisition experts are highlighting the link between customer service and sales.

London Sales Execs: About the firm

With more customer touchpoints than ever, there is one form of communication that has stood the test of time, Face-to-face communication. Technological advances are changing the way people interact with brands, and London Sales Execs argue that sales is about meaningful connections.

“It’s about conveying a message in a way that makes an impact,” commented Mr Harris. The business owner has explained why customer service and sales is interlinked.

1. Understanding customers

One of the essential elements of a great salesperson is having the ability to listen to customers wants and needs to deliver a personalised service. London Sales Execs argues that customers don’t want to be treated like a number. The firm contends that some salespeople are too focused on closing the deal that they forget about delivering outstanding customer experience, and that is something that London Sales Execs excel at.

2. Brand Loyalty

The holy grail for brands is not one time customers, but loyal ones. With brand loyalty falling, it’s imperative for salespeople to think about the long-term benefits instead of the immediate gratification of a one time sale. Loyal customers can become brand ambassadors, and that can be huge! Getting recommendations can lead to more customers and more sales.

London Sales Execs have revealed what it takes to turn satisfied customers into loyal ones:

- Customer service: At London Sales Execs, they put customer service at the top of their agenda. They recognise that loyal customers want their needs met and want to feel understood and appreciated.

- Be their friend: Loyal customers are made by making connections. The most successful salespeople should get to know their customers, listen to their problems and build a relationship.

- Get their input: London Sales Execs argues that salespeople need to listen to customers feedback and ideas as those can be critical to help a business improve.

3. Customer Service

At London Sales Execs they believe that customer service is one of the cornerstones of business success. “Customers make or break a business. The success of your business is dependent on your customers, and therefore customer experience is critical.” Stated Mr Harris.

London Sales Execs are regularly subjected to mystery shoppers and consistently score highly, and Mr Harris believes that is due to the firm’s commitment to delivering an outstanding customer experience.

London Sales Execs is on a mission to change the way sales is perceived. They are a diverse group with one common goal: achieve the best possible outcome for clients through meaningful, face-to-face connections, delivered by its force of talented customer communicators. The firm believes that customer service and sales are interlinked and that great salespeople need to think like customer service reps.



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  • london sales execs


  • London


Managing Director: Tom Harris

We are a group of people with a common understanding. Winning is a way of life. It’s a state of mind. Follow us on Twitter, or find us on Facebook.


Stacey Kehoe

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