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London Sales Execs Urge Entrepreneurs to Explore their Must-Read List

London based direct sales and marketing experts, London Sales Execs, are urging budding entrepreneurs to commit to reading to progress their career.

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There is an infinite number of benefits that come from expanding your knowledge through reading, however, within the digital world, the amount of books we read has dropped dramatically. All the information we need can be found with the click of a button on our smartphones or computers. While it is obviously convenient to do so, there can be no substitute for picking up a book.

There are seven scientifically back reasons to read books, which are

- It increases intelligence

- It can boost your brainpower

- It can make you more empathetic

- Flipping pages can help you understand why you’re reading

- It can help fight Alzheimer's

- Helps you to relax

- It can help you sleep before bed

London Sales Execs have released their list of top four books entrepreneurs should be reading to better themselves.

Building Your Dream Network: Forging powerful relationships in a hyper-connected world - The book highlights how the world has never been so tightly knit, thanks to the digital age and how connections on social media are superficial and unsatisfying. The book is a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their goals; the book avoids talking about tricks or techniques but by changing your mindset in its entirety. The book helps provide a roadmap for how to build your network the right way and expand it ten times over.

Eyes wide open: Overcoming obstacles and recognizing opportunities in a world that can’t see clearly - Written by Saved by the Bells Isaac Lidsky, he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, which is a condition that gradually reduces sight. He earned a law degree at Harvard and became the only blind law clerk in the history of the Supreme Court. He shares his insight into how to overcome your fears, assumptions, and discouragement. A truly inspirational read.

The future of happiness: 5 modern strategies for balancing productivity and well-being in the digital era - technology undoubtedly makes us more productive, but it comes with its cons, being available 24 hours and the constant feeling of falling behind. Amy Blankson, the author tells us how technology can also give us the tools to find a balance and even happiness within this rapidly developing digital age.

The bravest you: Five Steps to Fight Your Biggest Fears, Find Your Passion, and Unlock Your Extraordinary Life - This brilliant book by life coach Adam Kirk Smith has devised a plan for the average Joe to get out of a rut and become the best version of themselves. Through his five-step plan doesn’t solve the problems the reader may have but he provides them with the right tools to get the job done themselves.

London sales execs are avid supporters of entrepreneurship and provide all their contractors with the tools and training to be the best they can be. Whether it's through their tried and tested one-to-one mentoring program, regular workshops on improving certain aspects of their sales approach or pitch or through their fantastic networking opportunities. However, the firm believes that through reading the above material anyone within the company or looking to join will set themselves in better stead to achieve their dreams.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • business
  • entrepreneurs
  • learning
  • selfdevelopment
  • reading
  • london sales execs


  • England


Tom Harris

Managing Director

London Sales Execs

We are a group of people with a common understanding. Winning is a way of life. It’s a state of mind. Follow us on Twitter, or find us on Facebook. 


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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