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Unbiased interviewer Tengai now available in English
Unbiased interviewer Tengai now available in English

Press release -

Fully automated and unbiased job-interview robot Tengai is now released in English

Now it’s possible for HR-managers and recruiters all over the world to perform English unbiased job interviews with automated interview robot Tengai. The new release has been scientifically validated*, has an automated personality scoring, as well as an interview analytics audio scoring - which gives hiring managers deeper insights of jobseekers profiles, without human interference.

With the English release ready it’s now possible for international companies to lease Tengai and implement unbiased blind interviews as part of their recruitment success.

“The English version is an important part of our offering and the international demand and interest for the unbiased interviewer Tengai has been consistent over the last year, therefore we are super happy to reveal that we now have an English version of Tengai ready for the market,” says Tengai’s CEO, Elin Öberg Mårtenzon.

Digitizing the interview and mitigating unconscious bias.

For the first time ever, it’s now possible to digitize the interview, using Tengai’s unbiased methodology, making the process more objective, structured and data-driven. By using the social robotics platform, Tengai is free from visual interpretations often caused by subconscious assumptions and creates a more fair interview process for all applicants.

“Normally during an interview, the recruiter has a hard time writing everything down in a fully structured way, making us go to our assumptions in the interpretation of the candidates’ answer which causes a lack of interview data. With the full data collection from the interview, the recruiter can now use the added audio scoring to evaluate the candidate’s answer and then co-evaluate the information together with multiple stakeholders, making the recruitment and interview process less biased,” says Sinisa Strbac, Chief Product Officer at Tengai AB.

A unique combination of personality and behaviour.

Earlier this year, the team behind Tengai announced a groundbreaking scientific study which proved the robot to, without human interference, ask questions and interpret answers correlated to personality and future work performance. The study resulted in the part of the product called Personality Indicator (PI) which gave an initial scoring of all candidates in the process. Now it’s time to take the Tengai experience to the next level of unbiased interviewing. By combining two selection methods into one, the personality indicator (PI) measures personality with predictive analytics and, released today - the behaviour indicator (BI) with structured skilled based interviews as a descriptive method. These methods in combination increase the possibility and accuracy of predicting a candidate's future performance.

Sinisa continues: “By using existing science about selection methods, we’ve been able to apply these into the robot. It made it possible to standardise the interview, making it automatic, digital, objective without compromising the candidate experience."

About Behaviour Indicator (BI)

The behaviour indicator uses a method with past behaviour questions, asking open-ended questions where the candidate is being asked to describe situations from where they have used a specific skill, how they used it and what the results of their actions were. The candidate's answer is generated into an audio file for the recruiter to evaluate from specified definitions in Tengai Audio Scoring.

The English version is being released to the market on September 1st together with the latest update in software and framework.

*read more about Tengai validation here:

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Tengai's Job Interview Mitigates Unconscious Bias

Tengai AB is a Stockholm-based HR Tech startup that is combining AI and an unbiased recruitment methodology in the world’s first interview robot, Tengai.

The social robot is enhancing the candidate experience, freeing up time and helping recruiters and hiring managers in making objective hiring decisions. The robot was originally a collaboration between recruitment and staffing agency TNG, who programmed the diversity and inclusion software at the TNGx innovation lab, and Furhat Robotics, who built the robotics platform and OS where Tengai’s application is running. Today, Tengai AB and Furhat Robotics continue to partner and develop the next generation of unbiased interview tools.


Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Press contact CEO +46 709 379 645

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Tengai Unbiased

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211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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