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Finnish Food Tourism develops in Estonia

Finnish food & Tourism experiences shared in Estonia Haaga-Helia has been developing Finnish food tourism alongside the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Finpro/Visit Finland from the year 2012. Now the development is widening to the other side of the Gulf of Finland - with the contribution of BOSS (From Borders to Shared Space) project, the Estonian food and tourism stakeholders are able to learn from Finnish practice, knowhow and experiences at the workshops held in August (Estonia), September (Estonia), November (Finland) and a conference in December (Estonia).

The kick-off workshop takes place on August 27th in Tallinn and will be followed by the project team meeting on 28th.

The first practice, knowhow and experiences sharing is about presenting the food tourism development so far, the present situation and future plans both in Finland and Estonia.

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  • Education


  • hospitality
  • share
  • culture
  • exchange
  • knowhow
  • finnish
  • workshops
  • tourism
  • development
  • food
  • estonia
  • finland

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