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Topics: Market, Stock market

JOOL's financial operations change name to Vinga

JOOL's financial operations change name to Vinga

In April 2023, Swedish investment company Pegroco Invest AB acquired JOOL’s financial operations through an equity transaction where JOOL Group became Pegroco’s largest shareholder. In connection with the transaction, the acquired business has changed its brand name from JOOL to Vinga, highlighting its international service offering and the shared connection to western Sweden, where both J

Hjälper fastighetsbolag finansiera hållbart!

Hjälper fastighetsbolag finansiera hållbart!

För fastighetssektorn har energieffektivisering blivit ett normaltillstånd i takt med högre energipriser. Samtidigt ökar EU-kraven på hållbarhetsrapportering, även för små och medelstora företag. JOOL har rest över en miljard i gröna obligationer och konstaterar att det finns mer investerarkapital tillgängligt för fastighetsbolag som vill växa hållbart.

Pegroco Invest AB acquires JOOL Capital Partner AB’s financial operations

Pegroco Invest AB acquires JOOL Capital Partner AB’s financial operations

Pegroco Invest AB (“Pegroco”) has entered into a share sale and purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of a number of JOOL Capital Partner AB’s operating subsidiaries. The transaction expands and broadens Pegroco’s company portfolio at the same time as it strengthens the company’s position as a western Swedish player on the capital market.

SEK 140m bond issue for Rotunda Fastigheter AB has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

SEK 140m bond issue for Rotunda Fastigheter AB has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

The bond issue was well received by the market and attracted strong interest from both Nordic and International high-quality investors. The issue ended up being oversubscribed, in total SEK 147m.
The bond bears a coupon of 12 % p.a. + STIBOR/EURIBOR 3m with quarterly interest payments. Maturity is 30 months plus an extension option of 12 months. The proceeds from the bond issue will be used for

EUR 9m green bond issue for Recap Energy has been successfully completed with JOOL as corporate finance advisor

EUR 9m green bond issue for Recap Energy has been successfully completed with JOOL as corporate finance advisor

The green bond issue was well received by the market and once again shows the increasing interest in green investments
Recap Energy AB (publ) is a Swedish renewable energy project developer offering solar-PV and Battery Energy Storage Solutions. Recap has operations in 6 different markets where they have developed 34,8 MW and signed an additional 416 MW of contracts across its business areas.

Barkonsults grundare Bo-Henrik Jakobsson och Jan Lövgren samt tillträdande VD Christian Lindblom

JOOL-gruppen är ny delägare i Barkonsult

JOOL-gruppen, genom moderbolaget JOOL Invest AB, är ny delägare i Barkonsult, en svensk koncern verksam inom import, handel och marknadsföring av barprodukter och drinkredskap.
Barkonsult importerar, tillverkar och marknadsför professionella barprodukter och drinkredskap från USA, Europa och Asien. Bolaget grundades på 1980-talet av Jan Lövgren och Bo-Henrik Jakobsson, som såg behovet av ett b

DKK 90m bond issue for CPHI-Holding A/S has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

DKK 90m bond issue for CPHI-Holding A/S has been successfully completed with JOOL as advisor

DKK 90m bond issue for CPHI-Holding A/S has been successfully completed with JOOL as an advisor
The bond bears a coupon of 12 % p.a. with quarterly interest payments. Maturity is ~18 months plus an extension option of 6 months. The proceeds will primarily be used to add working capital to the Group and create better conditions to execute the Group’s strong and increasing order book.

JOOL-gruppen ingår avsiktsförklaring med ambitionen att bli storägare i Pegroco Invest AB och att sälja delar av nuvarande verksamhet

JOOL-gruppen ingår avsiktsförklaring med ambitionen att bli storägare i Pegroco Invest AB och att sälja delar av nuvarande verksamhet

JOOL-gruppen och Pegroco Invest AB har ingått en avsiktsförklaring avseende Pegrocos förvärv av fem dotterbolag från JOOL Capital Partner AB. Dotterbolagens verksamheter kommer efter överlåtelsen att fortsätta i sin nuvarande form och inga betydande organisatoriska förändringar förväntas genomföras. Parterna är överens om att lansera den överflyttade verksamheten under ett nytt varumärke.

Onsdagen 31 augusti kommer produktionen på Lessebo Paper att stå still, en direkt följd av de höga elpriserna i södra Sverige

165 miljoner i ökade elkostnader tvingar Lessebo Paper att pausa produktionen

Spotpriset för el i SE4, det elområde Lessebo Paper befinner sig i, snittar idag onsdag på 5,57 kronor per kilowattimme enligt nordiska elbörsen Nord Pool. Onsdagen 31 augusti kommer produktionen på Lessebo Paper att stå still, en direkt följd av de höga elpriserna i södra Sverige. Därefter kommer företaget att ta beslut dag för dag, beroende på elpriserna.

The DKK 150 million bond issue for CPHI-Holding A/S was successfully completed

The DKK 150 million bond issue for CPHI-Holding A/S was successfully completed

CPHI-Holding A/S has successfully raised a senior secured bond of DKK 150 million with a tenor of 24 months. The bond issue was well received by the market and attracted strong interest from both Nordic and International high-quality investors.
CPHI-Holding A/S is a holding company that directly owns a group of companies with their main operations in businesses relating to airport logistics and

JOOL congratulates Patriam on successfully raising SEK 500 million of green bonds and alternative debt

JOOL congratulates Patriam on successfully raising SEK 500 million of green bonds and alternative debt

Swedish property developer Patriam has completed a senior secured green bond issue of SEK 400 million, constituting the first Swedish bond issue to be certified green by the Climate Bonds Initiative. In addition, Patriam has completed a SEK 100 million in alternative debt financing.
Net proceeds from the transactions are aimed toward new acquisitions and development of Patriam’s real estate po

JOOL congratulates OSKAR GROUP on a successful capital raising of EUR 44 million through a combination of bonds and preference shares

JOOL congratulates OSKAR GROUP on a successful capital raising of EUR 44 million through a combination of bonds and preference shares

JOOL congratulates OSKAR GROUP on a successful capital raising of EUR 44 million through a combination of bonds and preference shares.
Net proceeds from the capital raising are aimed toward completion of the Group’s real estate portfolio. The transaction was well received by the market with significant demand from both private investors, family offices, and international institutional investors

Patriams obligation är den första i Sverige som certifieras enligt Climate Bonds Standard

Patriam Invests obligation först i Sverige att certifieras grön av Climate Bonds Initiative

Under hösten 2020 emitterade Patriam Invest en senior säkerställd obligation om upp till SEK 400 miljoner för att finansiera bolagets fastighetsutveckling. Därefter har Patriam tagit fram ett grönt obligationsramverk som nu certifierats enligt Climate Bonds Standard. Obligationen är den första som certifieras enligt Climate Bonds Standard i Sverige.

Patriam issues first Swedish bond Certified green under the Climate Bonds Standard

Patriam Invest has issued first Swedish bond certified green by the Climate Bonds Initiative

In late 2020, Swedish property developer Patriam Invest initiated a SEK 400 million corporate bond issue to finance its business. Following the issue, Patriam has developed a green bond framework that successfully obtained Certification under the Climate Bonds Standard as of June 15. The bond constitutes the first Swedish bond issue to be Certified green under the Climate Bonds Standard.

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Welcome to JOOL Group!

About the JOOL Group

The JOOL Group is a family owned corporate group, rooted in Swedish industrial tradition. With our main activities in the financial services, paper, timber and tech industries, our passion is entrepreneurship – both our own and that of others. Our philosophy is to be active and long term owners, developing businesses through a combination of entrepreneurial spirit and common sense.

JOOL Group
JOOL Group

Södra Hamngatan 19-21
41114 Göteborg