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Seminar 22 October: Diversifying the Farming Landscape – Christine Watson in Wallenberg Seminar in KSLA

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Seminar 22 October: Diversifying the Farming Landscape – Christine Watson in Wallenberg Seminar in KSLA

The seminar is held on KSLA on October 22. It will discuss the opportunities that diversification of the farming landscape provides in helping Sweden to work towards key Sustainable Development Goals. A discussion will be initiated on what is needed in policy and practice to bring about change.

Food production systems are under increasing pressure to deliver increased productivity, product quality and farmer profitability through improved use of resources, especially nutrients, water and agrobiodiversity, as well as decreasing environmental impact in the face of climate change. The links between agriculture and society through food, diet and health are a key component of this debate.

Christine Watson is a guest researcher at SLU based in the Department of Crop Production Ecology at Uppsala working with Göran Bergkvist and Ingrid Öborn. She is Professor of Agricultural Systems at SRUC in Scotland UK.

Professor Watson’s research focuses on improving nutrient use efficiency in a wide range of agricultural systems including outdoor pig production, dairying, organic farming and agroforestry. She is particularly interested in the management of legumes in agricultural systems and was the Scientific Coordinator of the EU Legume Futures project.

She is currently President of the European Society of Agronomy (2014-2016) and Vice President of the Association of Applied Biologists (2015-2017). Christine Watson currently serves on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Agronomy and is also involved in teaching the SRUC MSc Organic Farming course by distance learning.

The meeting is held on 22 October from 10 am until 3.30 pm in The Royal Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Drottninggatan 95B in the center of Stockholm.

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Elin Mellqvist

Elin Mellqvist

Presskontakt Akademigeolog Områden inom de gröna näringarna som inte specifikt hör hemma inom jord- eller skogsbruk. 08-5454 7716
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

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Kungl. Skogs och Lantbruksakademien (KSLA) är en mötesplats för forskare och producenter, praktiker och konsumenter, politiker och allmänhet. Vid akademiens seminarier och möten träffas människor från olika delar av samhället i respektfull dialog och diskussion. Vi delar och sprider kunskap med målet att det ska fattas kloka beslut i samhället om ett uthålligt brukande av våra biologiska naturresurser.

Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, KSLA
Drottninggatan 95 B, Box 6806
113 86 Stockholm