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Topics: Lifestyle

Extenda Retail and Turnpike Redefine The Self-Checkout Experiences. Faster and Frictionless Actions.

Turnpike & Extenda Retail - Launch 'Frictionless Self-Checkout'

Today, Extenda Retail, a leading provider of self-checkout systems, and Turnpike, the leader in wearable staff connectivity solutions, are proud to announce their fully integrated solution. Together, they introduce "Frictionless Self-Check-out" — a groundbreaking concept designed to revolutionize the shopping experience for both customers and staff.

Turnpike & Playtech - in groundbreaking partnership.

Turnpike and Playtech Announce Groundbreaking Partnership to Revolutionize Casino Operations

Turnpike, the leading Swedish wearable tech pioneer, and Playtech, a global leader in casino technology, are thrilled to unveil a transformative partnership aimed at revolutionizing the casino industry. This collaboration integrates Turnpike's advanced cloud service and wearable technology with Playtech's innovative casino solutions to significantly enhance staff efficiency and customer service.

Brewing Tomorrow's Moments Today - Schaerer x Turnpike. Powered by Samsung Galaxy.

Turnpike & Schaerer Unveil IoT-Driven Integration Partnership.

Turnpike and Schaerer Unveil Groundbreaking Partnership with functional benefits for both staff & customers. From instant help requests to proactive alerts for grinder and refilling, and predictive alerts for beans and milk levels, the seamless integration ensures efficient operations. Enhanced productivity, reduced downtime and improved job satisfaction, as well as better customer experience.

Turnpike & Circle K set to Revolutionize Convenience Store Experience.

Turnpike & Circle K set to Revolutionize Convenience Store Experience.

The partnership between CircleK and Turnpike represents the dawn of an industry transformation, where cutting-edge technology meets unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Through seamless integration and relentless innovation, both companies are dedicated to making journeys easier and more enjoyable for customers and staff alike.

Premiär! TOMRA är nu integrerat med Turnpikes system och Samsungs smartwatches.

TOMRA och Turnpike: Partnerskapet som Digitaliserar Returstationer för Proaktiv Personal.

TOMRA, världsledande inom automatiserad returhantering och svenska wearable tech-bolaget Turnpike - har inlett ett strategiskt samarbete. Detta partnerskap utgör en milstolpe inom digitalisering och realtidskommunikation för återvinningssektorn, med fokus på att uppgradera såväl daglig drift av maskinerna som kundupplevelsen och butikspersonalens arbetsdag.

Pia Groundstroem, vd för TIL-Tid och Jonas Borglin, VD, Turnpike Group.

TIL-Tid och Turnpike: Innovativt partnerskap för optimal personalhantering

Svenska wearable tech-företaget Turnpike har ingått ett strategiskt partnerskap med TIL-Tid, marknadsledare inom schema- och tidsplaneringssystem.
Detta strategiska samarbete är startskottet för mer avancerad digitalisering och realtidskommunikation i syfte att förbättra kundservice, bemanning och arbetsflöden för butik och restaurangnäring.
Det är svårare än någonsin för personalen att ve

Trailblazers in Hospitality. David Viklund, General Manager at Clarion Hotel Sign and Carl Norberg, Founder at Turnpike Group

Turnpike Revolutionizes Clarion Sign (& Hotel Industry) with Human Tech.

Turnpike's solution connects hotel staff to smartwatches, facilitating seamless communication and task prioritization through real-time messaging and connected schedules. As a result, Clarion Hotel Sign is elevating the hotel experience, optimizing daily operations and boosting employee satisfaction. The right staff, at the right place, at the right time.

Mohit Paul, CRO Extenda Retail and Jonas Borglin, CEO Turnpike Group. Extenda Retail and Turnpike has signed a partnership for future growth.

Turnpike and Extenda Retail in a Strategic Partnership

The partnership between Extenda and Turnpike is a strategic move that aims to drive growth for both companies. By joining forces, they can combine their respective strengths and expertise in retail technology solutions to offer a more comprehensive and integrated suite of products and services to retailers.

Turnpike and CGI in a strategic partnership.

Turnpike and CGI in a strategic partnership.

CGI and Turnpike has formed a partnership for future growth. The purpose of the partnership is cooperation for mutual support and acceleration in distribution of services and product solutions around the world.

Carl Norberg, Co-Founder and ex-Chairman and Per Aniansson, new Chairman of the Board at Turnpike Group.

Per Aniansson appointed new Chairman of Turnpike Group.

Per Aniansson appointed new Chairman of Turnpike Group. “It's a true pleasure for me to welcome Per Aniansson as our new Chairman of the Board. Per will greatly contribute to the acceleration of our journey and he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the board, says Carl Norberg, Co-Founder of Turnpike.

ICA Maxi i Nynäshamn är första ICA-butiken i landet som nu kopplat upp sig mot Turnpikes SaaS-system med Samsungs smarta klockor.

Turnpike digitaliserar ICA-personal - för optimerad drift och bättre kundmöten.

ICA Maxi i Nynäshamn är första ICA-butiken i landet som nu kopplar upp sin personal med Turnpike's SaaS-tjänst och Samsungs smarta klockor för att optimera butiksdriften och förbättra kundrelationen. ”Det handlar om att gifta ihop kund- och medarbetarresan så att servicenivån går upp samtidigt som personalen jobbar smartare och mår bättre”, säger Elena Serrander, Butikschef på ICA Maxi Nynäshamn.

Nya och gamla investerare i Turnpike. Shervin Razani, Johan Dennelind/Humbelin, Gerda Mazi Larsson/Curitas Ventures, Tomat Franzén, Peter Carlsson

Nya investerare välkomnas i kraftigt övertecknad nyemission

Turnpike tar idag in 28 MSEK i en ny kapitalrunda. Intresset har varit stort och rundan är kraftigt övertecknad. "Jag tittar på 100 intressanta bolag per kvartal och väljer ett som jag investerar i. Mycket ska stämma och viktigast är teamet, produkten, ekonomiska potentialen på marknaden och timingen. Turnpike tickar alla mina boxar, säger affärsängeln Shervin Razani som nu investerar i Turnpike.

COOP Visby först ut att ge sina medarbetare digital smartness

COOP Visby först ut att ge sina medarbetare digital smartness

Stora Coop Visby fortsätter att bryta ny mark med digitaliseringens möjligheter. Turnpike kopplar nu upp butikens medarbetare för att förbättra kundupplevelsen och utnyttja kraften i att rätt person kan agera i realtid på kundernas behov.

Industry veterans - new Turnpikers. Investor and board member Tomas Franzén and CEO Jonas Borglin. Photos: Johan Gustavsson

Turnpike to scale SaaS platform and accelerate growth with new clients and capital

Last week Turnpike Group (awarded ”Start Up of the Year 2021” by Microsoft Sweden) were featured in Dagens Industri, the largest business publication in Sweden. Jonas Borglin, CEO and new investor and board member Tomas Franzén explain the need for smarter retail solutions, and how smartwatches will play a key role in that transformation.

Turnpike awarded The Swedish Start-Up of the Year by Microsoft

Turnpike awarded The Swedish Start-Up of the Year by Microsoft

Turnpike, a leader in digital retail innovation, has been named “Swedish Start-Up of the Year” by Microsoft. Turnpike’s SaaS solution includes smart devices worn by retail staff members who get discreet vibrations and messages when they need to take action.

Jonas Borglin, CEO Turnpike Group

Jonas Borglin appointed new CEO of Turnpike Group, the leading SaaS-company for frontline workers

Jonas Borglin (former CEO at The New Division, long career within American Express etc) appointed new CEO of Turnpike Group, the leading SaaS-company for frontline workers, with start 1st of January 2021. Borglin: "We can fundamentally change the work-life of hundreds of millions of people, for the better. I’m thrilled to join forces with the Turnpike team and lead the company’s global expansion.”

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Empower staff to achieve more.

Turnpike builds software that is transforming the way retail and hospitality employees work. We enable seamless discreet communication for frontline staff that drives real-time customer service and engagement.
Our solutions make retail and hospitality employees more productive, more empowered, and more motivated.

Turnpike Group

Eriksbergsgatan 8A
114 30 Stockholm